Chapter 1

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The bell ringing startled the two. They raced back to the classroom with the Hale following Yerin from behind granting she didn't really know where they were supposed to go.

Yerin was never late or absent to class. She takes pride in that. And she was not going to let a mere heartache break that.

She sprinted with all her might ignoring every other person scrumbling in the hallway who were also trying to beat their homeroom advisers to their classrooms. The blood rush must have blinded her for a second that before she can take the turn to their room, she didn't see that there was someone infront of her. She crushed into someone who was also trying to get inside.

The impact forced her to fall backwards. She braced herself for the fall but it never happened. Instead, she felt warm hands around her waist. She was pulled backed almost immediately.

"Are you okay?" she heard a whisper, she felt the warm breath of the words on her ears. That was when she realized that she was pulled too close that they were almost hugging. Her hands on his chest were the only thing between them.

"YERIN!" the room echoed. She was startled. She took a step back almost immediately. Her face turned red thinking that everyone must have witnessed the embarassing encounter.

Chan, Luke and Jing all made their way towards the front of the class, kicking away anything that was along their way.

"Are you okay?" she heard all three echoed. She was just nodding her head but her focus was on the guy who was pushed back. He looked worried but at the same time surprised as well. She didn't know who he was. Of course, he would be surprised. Normally, people don't overreact as such on simple accidents like this.

"Are you okay?" Chan was checking her from head to toe making sure she was not hurt. "What the hell are you doing? You could have been hurt."

"I'm okay" She just reassured over and over.

Chan took her hand to pull her into the room but before he can make a step, Yerin looked at the guy again.

"I'm so sorry about that. Are you okay?" She asked. She was not the only one who got hurt in the incident after all.

He merely nodded.

She smiled in answer. "Thank you" she said. "For not letting me fall"

They all went inside the room but not before Jing stopped the guy and gave him a stare down. He opened his mouth to same something but stopped before his words can get out.

Lian who was watching everything from her seat scoffed at the scenes in front of her. She didn't like how everyone makes such a fuss when it comes to Yerin. Despite it a normal occurence now, it still disgusted her.

"People should just learn how to chill. Some things doesn't need to be fussed about" she was half-whispering in her seat.

"They're just worried. They love her." she heard an answer beside her. She thought nobody heard her but apparently not. She looked at Osh who was staring at the board, trying to act as if he was not almost about to stand up himself and run with the rest of them a few seconds ago.

"Do you?" her voice almost trembled, as she shifted her gaze at where he was looking at. He may act nonchalant but Lian saw the slightest movement he made when he saw Yerin crash into the guy. She saw how his fist clenched as he was watching them almost hugging each other.

"Do you... love her too... Osh?" she repeated. She knew what he was going to answer. Osh is kind but he was never true to his feelings. No matter how hard he tries to, his words usually contradicts his actions. In the end, he ends up hurting other people around him without realizing it.

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