Jewel shard

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Authors Note: Hey guys honestly I doubt anyone is still reading this lmao I haven't updated this in a long time. I started this as a freshman in high school and currently, I'm a sophomore in college now. Quarantine has drawn me back to Wattpad and I feel bad for the readers still waiting on this so I'm gonna wrap the story up here! Thanks to everyone who's read to this point <3 I truly appreciate you and your love for Sesshomaru :')

Pins and needles climbed up your body as Kagura nearly dragged you into the blasted cave.

He's going to kill me..

You didn't have a doubt that Sesshomaru wasn't already tracking you down. You prayed he would arrive before Naraku delivered his punishment.

"Kagura." A solemn voice called out. Hakudoshi. Kagura lazily turned in the direction of his voice.

"What is it?" She snapped. Hakudoshi snickered. You watched perplexed as he appeared from the forest. He frowned as he looked down at you.

"So it's true then.." his lip curled.
"I thought she was smarter than that. Oh well.. she was going to die eventually I suppose." He giggled.

"Is that all?" Kagura grumbled, tightening her grip on you.
"If you excuse us now, I'm a little excited to get her to Naraku" she tutted. Fear crept up your body as the two of you entered the dark cave. The presence within the cave felt nauseatingly evil. The pain wasn't as strong as before but it was enough to disable your movements.

"For your sake, hope that it's a quick death.." she sweetly exclaimed. Aches traveled up your body as Kagura finally dropped her grip on you. You carefully peeked around and felt a jolt of relief when you didn't spot Naraku. Kagura's footsteps faded away leaving you alone in the cave. The sound of crickets calmed your mind but they quickly faded into a dull silence. 


Your blood ran cold. You could hear his footsteps nearing you.

"Naraku." You replied weakly. He scoffed.

"I thought I made my request clear.. yet here we are. You've once again failed to comply" he clicked his tongue. You failed to form any words.

"If you're going to kill me then kill me." You growled. He chuckled.

"That will take the fun out of this... I have to make an example of you so that nobody else thinks they can just ignore my orders." He smirked. He took a step closer and squatted down in front of you. His hand gently smoothed your hair down before he suddenly yanked your hair back. You cried out in pain.

"Now for that jewel shard..." He murmured as he held out his armored hand. You watched horrified as a long dagger grew from the armor. Grabbing ahold of your arm he forced you flat on your back. The pain was so intense your fingers dug into the dirt as if to ground you.

"Jewel shard..?" You asked. Naraku laughed.

"Yes, unknowingly Sesshomaru fed you a potion with one of my shards inside." He grumbled as the dagger slowly traced down your chest.

"Here it is.." he smiled stopping the shard at the center of your chest. Without any warning, he plunged the blade into your chest.  A scream ripped through your lips and you didn't stop until your through was practically raw. With a low chuckle, he gouged his fingers into the wound tearing out a tainted shard. Your vision darkened as the screams died out. Naraku glared down at you with an expression of disgust. 

"I should have known better than to rely on a petty human." he scorned himself. Numbness overtook your body, you could barely even feel the pain now. Staring up at the damp cave ceiling you thought to yourself, is this finally it? You thought back to the castle you had grown up in. Your entire life you had been pampered and fawned over. You would have never imagined this is how you would go. Of course, this wasn't the first time you were experiencing near death. Your eyelids felt heavy and without resistance, you shut them. Thinking of poor Rin and Sesshomaru wounded you. Perhaps you would even miss the annoying blabbering of Jaken. With that thought, you drifted off welcoming sleep with an open embrace.

♦ ♦ ♦

Kagura watched as Naraku emerged from the cave. As he disappeared into the thick brush the crickets resumed their song. Kagura knew Naraku would be returning to his hideout as soon as possible; he wouldn't want to catch the attention of Inuyasha and especially Sesshomaru. Kagura paused on her thought. 


She smiled as she flicked her wrist, shutting her fan with a loud crack. Her eyes roamed over towards the cave. She felt a deep sense of satisfaction knowing you were dead now. Kagura was bored with Naraku's little games of meddling with others' lives. Especially when the meddling included someone like Sesshomaru. To her, killing (y/n) was likely Naraku's fatal mistake. He underestimated Sesshomaru. That demon was nothing like his half brother. With a huff, she plucked the silky feather from her hair. She was smart to leave while she could as she wouldn't want to be around when Sesshomaru finally caught up.

♦ ♦ ♦

Sesshomaru felt anger as he finally located Naraku's scent. It was faded, however, he came to a stop when a new overpowering scent overcame his senses. There was no mistaking it, the jaded scent of blood. He dashed forward through the thick forest until he came upon a dark cave. He listened for the sounds of life, but silence only rang. Entering the cage he easily spotted your still form on the ground. His body was stiff with rage as he knelt down. Peering at your still face he reached forward with his hand and pushed the tangled hair from your face. His eyes wandered down to the gaping wound on your chest. His blood boiled as he noted the deep puncture wounds. No breath escaped his lips as he stood placing his hand on his Tensaiga. As soon as he placed his fingertips on the blade he instantly saw the spirits gathered around your body. Anger flashed across his face as he swung his blade slicing away those pesky creatures. He watched calmly as the creatures faded away. A sense of relief crept into his body as he watched the color return to your face.

"(Y/N)" he called. He had had enough of Naraku. This has been the last straw he thought as he watched your eyes flicker open. He suppressed a small smile as confusion spread across your face. Finally, your eyes met his and he felt his longing for your touch return.

♦ ♦ ♦


You woke with a jolt. Squeezing your eyes tightly you had expected the terrible pain to hit you any second. However, nothing came. Once again you could hear the sound of crickets singing from outside the cave. Opening your eyes everything looked blurry. Blinking several times you focused on the ceiling until everything was clear again. Your eyes flickered down away from the ceiling until you noticed the white clothing in front of you. It felt as if your heart was beating a thousand beats per minute as your eyes met Sesshomaru's. Confused you stared back up at him. Hadn't you died? You recalled the heavy feeling that had overcome your body only moments before. You weren't quite sure how long you were 'asleep' for. Sitting up your hand touched your chest. Expecting a terrible feeling of pain you squeezed your eyes shut. However, your hand simply rested on cool skin. More confused than ever you looked down. There was no gaping wound. Your fingertips slide across your smooth skin. There wasn't even a trace of any of the damage Naraku had done to you. Looking back up at Sesshomaru your eyes focused on his tensaiga. You had never seen him use it before but you felt slightly embarrassed at how confused you'd been moments before. A playful glint flickered in Sesshomaru's eyes as your face felt hot.

"Where have you been" was the only thing you managed to say. His hand reached out towards you and for a moment you simply stared up at him. An overwhelming sense of love filled your body as you finally took his hand. 

"Sesshomaru" you called 

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