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   Currently, you, Kagura, Daiki and Aoto sat crowded around a small expensive looking table staring up at the brothers old father. "S-Sir I'm afraid we have to refuse," you muttered lowly feeling the man's gaze stricken. "I  invite two complete stranger into my  home and this is what I get in return?" he asked rather coldly as you slowly nodded your head. "If we're such an inconvenience then we'll take our leave," you said calmly as he dropped your gaze. "I'm afraid that will leave us in quite a problem, you see a mysterious illness is sweeping through the village only killing the elderly... I fear I will be next and I'd like to see my two sons have someone they can rely on and better yet start a family with," he said softly as Kagura smirked in amusement. "Is something funny?" the old man angrily asked as Kagura broke out in laughter. Her shoulders shook slightly as she held a hand up to her mouth, meanwhile, the old man seemed as if steam would burst from his ears any minute now. "I-I apologize for her," you said bowing lamely as the old man strained his eyes on you. "At least one of you seem fit for marriage," he spat out as he glared a Kagura who finally spoke up for once. "If you're sons were fit for marriage don't you think they would've married long ago?" she asked amused as the old man slammed his hand down onto the table. You flinched as Daiki finally spoke up. "Father I think we should discuss this later," he commented as he sat straighter. "No." the old man replied flatly as he folded his hands on his lap. "I've had enough, you will marry my sons!" he angrily exclaimed as he stormed out of the room. Daiki sighed frustrated as he stared up at you. "I apologize for his aggressiveness, he's been apprehensive about our marriage dealings and such..." he trailed off as he dropped his gaze to the floor. "That's quite alright, I can understand why, however, we still have to deny your request..." you mumbled as Aoto glared angrily at you. "You'll only make the situation worse! Just do what he wants before he dies!" he angrily yelled as Daiki suddenly shushed him giving him a harsh glare. "You ought to lower that damned voice of yours," Daiki barked as Aoto clicked his tongue annoyed. "Very well, I'll escort you back to your rooms. It seems we've lost track of time as the sun has set hours ago..." Daiki explained as he slid the door open and began walking down the darkened hallways. Kagura followed silently behind as Aoto trailed behind her wearing a sallow expression. Daiki quickly found your room and slid the room open for you and Kagura. "Good night," he said softly as he avoided your gaze. Kagura walked past him with ease, however, when you attempted to walk past he roughly grabbed onto your wrist. "May I speak with you for a moment?" he whispered as you nodded slowly. He sighed relieved as he released your wrist. "What is it?" you asked. "I really must beg of you to stay and follow my father's orders... I could make your time worthwhile," he said softly as his hand brushed through your hair. You awkwardly swatted his hand away and stepped back a few steps. "I'm sorry but we cannot, I apologize," you said calmly as you turned to enter the room. An awkward shriek left your mouth as Daiki suddenly slammed his arm onto the wall blocking you from the doorway. "D-Daiki?!" you cried out as he let out a shaky breath. "You must understand that grief is like an ocean; it comes in waves, ebbing and flowing. Sometimes the water is calm, and sometimes it is overwhelming. And all we can do is swim, so please..." his voice cracked pathetically as you stared up shocked at him. "I-I.." you stuttered as the Aoto finally stepped in. "Let's go Daiki," he said flatly as he turned away and began to walk further into the dark hallway. That night a servant delivered the message of the old man's passing. For the remaining day, you saw no sign of Daiki or Aoto. Kagura sat boredly in the room as she let out a tired yawn. "Should we leave while we can?" you asked as Kagura shrugged lamely. "We could leave anytime we wanted to, don't tell me those two fools actually intimidate you?" she asked coolly as she glanced up at you. "N-No... It's just they might act rasher since their father has..." you trailed off. Kagura nodded. "True, but I could easily kill them if I'd like," she mumbled as she leaned her chin onto her palm. She froze as the sliding door suddenly slid open and made a loud clacking noise as it hit the wooden beam. Daiki stood idly in the doorway as Aoto stood boredly behind him. "Ladies..." Aoto said coolly as he pushed past Daiki. "Hm," Kagura looked up boredly as Aoto sat closely beside Kagura and wrapped his arm tightly around her. She frowned angrily as Daiki soon entered the room and sat down beside you. "E-Er..." you said softly as Daiki sighed softly. "Is everything alright?" you asked as Daiki shrugged. "Does it seem okay?" Aoto asked coldly. "Aoto," Daiki said coldly as he narrowed his eyes at his brother. "I'm not so sure this is a good time to tell you but me and Kagura think we should be going now as we've overstayed our visit and want to leave you to mourn for your father..." you said softly as Daiki frowned angrily. "I thought we settled on that subject last night?" Aoto asked angrily. "No, we didn't..." you blurted out as Aoto glared angrily at you. "Stay one more night, love..." Daiki said softly as his fingers brushed through your hair. "I can change your mind," he whispered as you glared at Kagura. "Kagura," you hissed quietly as she smiled amusedly. "You're a liar (F/N)," she jeered as she reminded you of her question minutes earlier. Daiki stared confused as Aoto clicked his tongue. "It's already been decided, you'll marry us tonight," Aoto announced as he plastered a cocky smirk on his face. Daiki shook his head slowly. "Aoto could you be any more Frank?" he coldly asked. Aoto laughed smugly as he leaned in much too close for comfort towards Kagura. Kagura's frowned deepened as he placed a teasing hand onto her lap. Daiki sighed as he met your gaze "Excuse him, that's his way of coping with things..." he mumbled as Kagura shot him angry glares. Aoto must've heard Daiki as he suddenly jerked his head upwards and snapped at him "The hell do you know about coping?" he yelled. Daiki crossed his arms as he stared lamely at his angered brother "You ought to find better ways of coping with things instead of harassing women, getting drunk would be a preferable method," Daiki sneered as Aoto clenched his fist tightly together. "What about you then? What's your coping method you bastard! You act all high and mighty when all you really are is some uptight prick!" Aoto's face grew slightly reddish as Daiki laughed mockingly. Several seconds past as the room grew deathly silent. "(F/N)? Would you like to walk in the garden with me?" Daiki coolly asked as he held his pale large hand out to you. You nervously glanced back at Kagura who stared boredly back at you. Sighing lamely, you took Daiki's unusually cold hand and exited the room. Upon exiting the room you quickly pulled your hand away from Daiki as he heaved a large sigh.

A/N: I'm so sorry for not updating in so long!!! I hoped you enjoyed this chapter and excuse any mistakes! Any tips on how to make this fanfiction better are welcomed below! ♥  

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