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You continued to travel with Kagome and her group for several weeks and each day you found yourself enjoying yourself more and more. However, you couldn't help feeling guilty knowing Rin was still very much in danger and it might as well be because of you. Your time with her had been fleeting but you couldn't help but adore such a cheerful child. You could see why Sesshomaru allowed her to accompany him on his travels. Miroku let out a loud yawn pulling you from your thoughts. The group often awoke early in order to not fall behind in their travels and the crisp winter air often made it harder to wake in the morning. The winter was finally beginning to show signs of ending as small white flower buds began to be adorned on nearly every tree. You were excited for the oncoming spring as you quickly grew tired of the harsh winters. Inuyasha walked far ahead of the group and you watched as he suddenly came to a halt.

"Huh? Inuyasha is something wrong?" Shippo asked from where he sat within Kagome's bikes basket. He pointed his head up in the air and sniffed before he finally shrugged not finding any alarming scents. Kirara did the same a second later and found the same solution as Shippo.

"Inuyasha?" Kagome called as Inuyasha suddenly pulled his sword out seemingly ready for a fight. 

"Someone's coming..." he growled as the incoming figure came into view. Your breath hitched as you spotted a certain someone's white hair.

"Sesshomaru..?" you whispered as Kagome gave you a worrisome glance. The group relaxed finding no serious threats, however, Inuyasha continued to point his weapon at Sesshomaru.

"That's not Sesshomaru, I'd have recognized his scent." he glared. Shippo sniffed once again.

"He's right, I don't recognize this scent." he agreed as the group suddenly grew tense. Sesshomaru, however, didn't seem to really care for the group's distrust as he continued to stare only at you. 

"I have no need to explain myself to the likes of a mere half-demon and a couple of humans." he ignored. Sango glanced at you as if trying to anticipate your next moves. 

"Let's go (F/N), Rin's waiting for you." Sesshomaru ordered before he turned around and began walking in the direction he had come in. Still, the group had not moved and Inuyasha remained glaring. 

"(F/N)?" Kagome whispered. You watched as Sesshomaru continued to walk further and further away before glancing back at the group. 

"I-I have to go..." you breathed before turning to Kagome and taking a hold of her hands. 

"Thank you so much, Kagome for letting me travel with you all!" You smiled before you rushed off after Sesshomaru. Inuyasha watched as you ran after Sesshomaru still not quite convinced.

"I don't like this..." he muttered.

"I know." Kagome agreed as you watched you off. 

• • •

I need to tell him... We need to hurry back to Rin and the others.

You doubted Jaken was watching out for Rin as you imagined he was probably snoozing off.


 No answer.


No answer again.

"Sesshomaru!" you yelled. Since departing from Kagome and her group, Sesshomaru had seldom spoken any words and he walked several feet ahead of you not bothering to wait for you. Something in the pit of your stomach screamed that something was wrong. As if on cue, Sesshomaru stopped in his steps and you warily walked up to him placing your hand onto his arm. You opened your mouth to speak, however, before you could form any words Sesshomaru smashed his mouth against yours pulling you into a deep kiss. This kiss, however, was different from the others. It wasn't as gentle as he'd kissed you the way before... This kiss seemed almost possessive and angry. You struggled to pull away when he suddenly bit down hard on your lower lip drawing the tangy taste of blood. When he finally released you, you stumbled back shocked. He let out a low chuckle as he trained his eyes on you. 

Sesshomaru X readerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang