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Your body felt stiff as you awoke to find yourself laid down across the forest floor. A small shudder passed through your body as you swatted pieces of dirt and insects off your wrinkled kimono. "Kagura?" you called out tiredly. No reply came as you stood suddenly dizzy. "Kagura?" you repeated as you trailed down the small dirt path that had long ago been overrun with vegetation. If you hadn't been so tired the warm breeze passing through the forest actually would have been nice, however, you felt almost sick as you stumbled down the steep path.

  Where is she? 

For several seconds, you couldn't even begin to process the scene in front of you. At one point you would've smiled to see Sesshomaru once again, however, it was almost disturbing to see Kagura pressed up against him in such a close embrace.

  I shouldn't be watching this... 

You stumbled backward feeling wrong for watching such an intimate moment.

  I don't understand, what did I just witness?

You questioned as you replayed the scene over and over again in your head. The memory was repulsive, disgusting, repugnant. Your breath soon became labored as you came to a stop and clung to the closest tree, not caring about the fact that you clenched up the moist moss causing it to crumble away. 

"(F/N)." you snapped your head up meeting Kagura's icy gaze.

 Had she not realized you'd been witness to the moment she and Sesshomaru had shared moments earlier?

 "What's wrong with you?" she asked uncaringly. "I feel a little sick that's all..." you mumbled taking in one last deep breath before returning to your normal breathing pattern. "Whatever, let's get going," she sighed as she walked off, disappearing within the forest's thick vegetation. Seconds passed, and you watched as her figure grew smaller in the distance. "Screw this," you muttered bitterly as you turned and began walking in a different direction from Kagura.

  Am I not understanding something? Why Kagura? Sesshomaru always seemed so indifferent towards her.

 Is this... Is this Naraku's doing? Or have I just been too ignorant to realize there was something between them?

Suddenly, you felt yourself trip forward and hit the moist ground. "Oww" you mumbled as you glanced downwards to find your foot lodged painfully underneath the root of a large tree. "Oh great," you grumbled as you attempted to free yourself, however, sharp pains only began to shoot up your leg. A cold laugh soon could be heard approaching as you finally looked up. Kagura stood staring down at you with her arms crossed. "May I asked why you decided to not follow me?" she smiled amusingly. Giving no reply you dropped your gaze to the ground. "Sorry," you mumbled as she shrugged. "Figure out a way out of there, otherwise, I'll leave you behind," she sneered as she turned around and left. A small sigh left your lips as you began digging at the dirt surrounding your foot. Several minutes passed as you finally managed to pull your now bruised foot from underneath the root. You shuddered as you stared down at the dirt that had lodged itself into your fingernails. "I better hurry," you whispered as you turned in the direction Kagura had left in.

  Maybe I should ask her about what happened? Or maybe I'm overthinking this... I'm sure she had a reason to.. hold him like that...

Your thoughts suddenly disappeared as a well-known presence appeared behind you. Swallowing harshly, you glanced behind you to see no other than Sesshomaru. Your breath hitched in your throat as you choose to ignore him and continue in the direction of Kagura. 

Just ignore him (F/N)... Remember to raise your words, not your voice. It is rain that grows flowers, not thunder.

"Where are you going?" Sesshomaru coolly asked as he now walked beside you. You gave no reply. Sesshomaru remained silent as you continued onward down the steep path. Taking in small collected breaths you clenched your fist.

 I wonder how my father is doing? How are all the villagers? The god? I don't think I even allowed myself enough time to heal from that... Though healing doesn't mean the pain never existed. It just means the damage no longer controls our lives.

"Rin misses you," Sesshomaru suddenly announced. A sharp pain stabbed at your heart as you finally allowed yourself to think of little Rin. 

"I miss her too," you stiffly replied as he continued walking beside you. 

"Is she the only one you miss?" he asked uninterestedly. "I miss Jaken and Kaede," you mumbled feeling his eyes concentrated on you.

 "But not me?" he coldly asked as you came to a stop.

 "May I ask you something?" you asked as your nails dug harder into your palm. Sesshomaru stopped as he turned to face you. "What were you and Kagura doing earlier?" you bitterly asked as his facial expression showed no signs of changing. He gave no reply as he bore his gaze down on you. "I saw you two together," you laughed coldly as he continued his painful silence. "It's one thing to be attacked by someone you hate, but that was something else... That was the kind of hurt that could be inflicted by someone I loved. It was sort of like being stabbed from the inside out." you sneered.

 "So to answer your question Sesshomaru, no I did not miss you," you angrily said as you continued down the path without him. He showed no sign of following.


 After trailing after Kagura for what felt like hours you both finally came across an oddly isolated village. You frowned as Kagura made her way into the village oblivious to the eery feeling it was letting out. As you moved further and further into the village you quickly took notice of the lack of activity. "Where is everyone?" Kagura asked in an annoyed tone.

You were definitely tired of seeing empty villages.

 "Who's there!?" we froze as Kagura peered over her shoulder to find a single old man standing broadly staring at us. "Who is it?" we heard another voice whisper harshly as the old man turned to shush the person who seemed to be hiding in one of the village homes. He turned back towards us and squinted suspiciously at us. "It's dangerous to be out in the open right now," he quietly explained as Kagura huffed in impatience. "And why is that?" she asked boredly as he seemed to grow more and more paranoid by the second. "Two men from the village nearby have gone completely mad. In fact, they kept rambling about how someone stole their women," he suddenly backed away. "I must go now," he uttered as he turned away and hobbled back inside what you thought to be his home. You turned to face Kagura. 

"I don't suppose those two men could be Daiki and Aoto, right?" you asked exasperatedly. Kagura flashed an amused smile. "Who else would they be?" she cooed as she turned away and continued down the village path. "Shouldn't we flee from here?" you worriedly asked. She shrugged, "They have to be long gone from here by now," she remarked. You nodded not quite believing that was true. "The villagers seem so frightened. I wonder what they did?" Kagura asked as she swung her arms carelessly by her hips. "You don't think they killed anyone right?" you asked suddenly paranoid. She laughed, "My how interesting that would be" Kagura chuckled. "Let's just hurry and get out of the village as fast as we can," you mumbled as Kagura shrugged.

A/N: I hate taking so long to update but I've been procrastinating so much and ugh. Please comment me any feedback or mistakes I made above! ♥

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