Changing of Fates

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Nightfall had long gone already and Sesshomaru stared silently down at your sleeping figure. He peered curiously at your face as it contorted with pain and then returned to its peaceful state. Only hours earlier had he watched your body jerk awkwardly as you constantly began mumbling Rin's name. Confused he decided to watch a little longer until you awoke terrified and only then had he decided to go and comfort you. Clicking his tongue in annoyance Sesshomaru dragged his sharp nails angrily across the worn floorboards. 

How could I fall for such a pathetic trick? He scoffed, as he stared lovingly down at you. I could always remove the shard myself... but once the shard is out there's no telling what Naraku will do... Getting the shard out might kill her and I could easily use Tenseiga but Naraku might just kill her afterward.

Sesshomaru eyes flickered upwards as he let out an annoyed growl. "Why are you here?" he asked lowly as the door slide open revealing Kagura. Even in the darkest of hours, he could make out her graceful features as she walked further inside the home and came to a stop in front of him. "Has she been getting Naraku's conjured nightmares?" she asked almost amused as she watched your face contorted once again. Sesshomaru frowned, "This is his doing?" he asked angrily as Kagura nodded and suddenly bent down close to him. "Just let her die Sesshomaru, she's going to die one day... Why not let that day be today?" she asked gently as her lips grazed his. Sesshomaru stared silently at her as she stood and stared amusedly at him. "Don't forget she's human Sesshomaru, they're as fragile as a glass, maybe even worse..." she quietly circled him and came to a stop behind him the third time around. "Let Naraku get what he wants, he'll have miscalculated her being a weakness and leave you be," she cooed as she lifted a parted area of his hair. "Come back to me Sesshomaru," she said painfully as she stared lustfully at him. Sesshomaru scoffed, "You're just as pathetic as I remember you being, and just as weak," he added as she tightened her hands into a fist. "Leave now or I'll kill you," he said flatly as he stared back down at you. "You'll regret this," she spat out angrily as she stormed out of the small home leaving the door wide open. Sesshomaru sighed lowly as he stared back down at you. For some time he and Kagura had some kind of unspoken attraction towards each other, however, he thought no further more of it. The woman was living within a spider's web, she was Naraku's tool and would soon be thrown away, labeled useless. Sesshomaru sighed as he gently traced his finger down your jawline. "I won't let you turn into a tool," he muttered frustrated as small rays of sunlight were beginning to venture into the room.


You sat up groggily and felt a burning sensation within your eyes. "How many times did I wake up last night," you whined as you rubbed at your eyes. The door slide opened suddenly allowing a large amount of snow gathered by the door to crumble into the house. "Finally you're awake! Look how much it snowed last night (F/N)!" Rin squealed excitedly as Jaken cried out from further within the home. "Close that door Rin! I might freeze to death!" Jaken yelled angrily as Rin simply rolled her eyes and smiled. "C'mon let's go outside! Lord Sesshomaru is waiting!" she yelled happily as she scurried back outside. You sighed tiredly as you walked further into Kaede's home and found an old wool kimono robe sitting in plain sight. Kaede had lent it to you but you'd never bothered to wear it as you usually stayed close by the fire within the home. "Damn," you mumbled as you slide the door open and instantly was hit with the bitter cold wind. Jaken groaned annoyed as you slowly stepped outside and slide the door shut. The once pure white snow had long turned mushy and grey as several footsteps could be seen within it. "Rin!" you yelled boredly as she soon appeared smiling excitedly. "Hurry up!" she yelled as she grabbed onto your kimono sleeve and began dragging you behind her towards a more populated area filled with village children and elders. You easily spotted Sesshomaru amongst the crowd as everyone crowded away from him leaving him sitting alone by a large tree. His eyes followed you closely as Rin finally released you and broke away to rejoin with the other children. You shuffled over towards Sesshomaru and sat close beside him. "Good morning," you said softly as he peered down at you. "Did you sleep well?" he asked almost amused as you shook your head. "I feel terrible," you muttered as you laced your warms hands with his cold ones. He sighed almost angrily as you stared up at him. "Is something wrong?" you asked warily as he shook his head. "Not that I know of," he said lamely. 

"What are we going to do about Naraku? and the shard? We could always just remove it... I'm sure your brother wouldn't mind standing by as Naraku could make an appearance afterward and-",

 "I do not need his help to protect you, nor will I rely on him keep you alive when he barely manages to keep his own friends alive," he said bitterly as he pulled his hand away.

 You stared silently down at the ground, "Sesshomaru there's nothing wrong with getting his help, his friends seem very capable and we could use the help to-",

 "I will not speak about this with you," he said flatly as you sighed frustrated.

 "I want to stay alive as long as I can Sesshomaru, you can't just deny help because you can't get over a family feud," you spat as he suddenly stared angrily at you. 

"This comes from the woman who wouldn't accept her own fate and chose to bring a whole kingdom down with her," he growled as you stared indifferently at him

. "I happen to believe that everyone has the ability to change their fate and I refuse to allow my fate to end so quickly." you angrily exclaimed as you stood and quickly retreated back to Kaede's home. "The nerve on that man!" you muttered angrily as you slammed the door shut behind you and tossed the wool robe down onto Rin's tatami mat. Jaken peered curiously at you. "What is it, Jaken," you asked somewhat calmer than before. He shook his head slowly. "Nothing," he said as he turned back towards the crackling fire.

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