Travel Companions

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You were actually quite glad to be out of that stuffy little cottage. Though you only spent one night there, you couldn't deny the bleak feeling the house gave off. You much preferred the annoying bickering between Shippo and Inuyasha. 

Sesshomaru will probably very angry once he finds out I'm gone again...

You have to admit that the two of you had known each other for a short period of time but it was hard to deny the affection you had for him. However, your thoughts were cut short as Kagome and Sango began walking beside you.

"How are you (F/N)?" Sango smiled weakly. 

"I'm as good as it gets" you laughed as Kagome and Sango exchanged worried looks. 

"So that means your talk with Sesshomaru didn't go so well?" Kagome asked. You shook your head. 

"He wouldn't even talk to me, he just barked orders at me" You huffed. 

"I know this probably isn't the time to ask but (F/N), have you met with Naraku at all?" Kagome sheepishly asked. Suddenly the feeling of the potion in your pocket felt heavier. You'd nearly forgotten Naraku's threats against poor Rin. Debating on whether you should share this information, you pulled the potion from out within your kimono and held it out to Kagome. 

"He gave me this." were the only words you could muster as Sango took it from your hands and held it up close for inspection. 

"What is it?" asked Kagome as Sango handed her the potion.

"He wanted me to give it to Sesshomaru. He said that it'll put him to sleep, long enough that he can come and steal Sesshomaru's Tenseiga. The mention of Sesshomaru's Tenseiga quickly piqued Inuyasha's interest as he turned his head towards you as if to listen in to the conversation. 

"I don't know what he wants with the blade but he said if I didn't do it he'd seriously hurt Rin... He said I wasn't to mention it to Sesshomaru either." you murmured. Kagome placed her hand onto your shoulder obviously pitying the situation you had been caught up in. 

"That's terrible (F/N)..." Sango softly spoke. 

"I don't know what to do anymore. I fear if I comply with Naraku's orders and sneak Sesshomaru the potion he'll know it was me and he'll never forgive me. Or worse I don't give him the potion and Naraku hurts Rin." you whispered.

Inuyasha scoffed. "Even if you refuse he can still make you do his bidding. You have his shard inside you." He bluntly explained.

"It's true..." Sango admitted sadly as she recalled her younger brother.

"What if we take it out!?" You cried out as Kagome exchanged a grim look with Sango. 

"It's way too risky" explained Kagome. 

"So much could go wrong (F/N)... It's probably best if we leave it where it is. As a matter of fact, we don't even know where in your body it is." Sango added as you shook your head. 

"I don't care!" you yelled as you blinked away heavy tears. 

"If I die then I die! Sesshomaru's Tensaiga could bring me back, couldn't it? Then we can worry about one less thing!" you begged. Kagome sighed.

"Let's worry about that another day, okay?" she comforted.

"No! No, I can't! Naraku's losing patience. If the shard's out I can warn Sesshomaru to watch Rin more carefully and I won't have to do anything I regret!" you argued.

"She's made up her mind Kagome. Just tell me where it is and I can cut it out of her, don't pretend to not know where it is." Inuyasha exclaimed as he crossed his arms. Kagome worriedly glanced between you and Inuyasha before she let out a sigh.

"Are you sure?" she asked as you nodded your head.

"Do whatever. Just get it out." 

The next thing you knew, you were laying down on the grass as Kagome loosened your kimono. Luckily Sango was able to use some extra cloth to cover your chest to make sure you were at least somewhat decent before Inuyasha made his cut. Kagome offered you another piece of cloth to bite down on as Inuyasha made his cut. You shut your eyes and listened as Kagome explained to Inuyasha were the cut was. Kagome outright refused to let him use his Tessaiga to make the cut and she finally agreed to let him use his dangerously sharp nails after she scrubbed them down several times.

"Okay..." Kagome said as she took a step back. Inuyasha squatted down beside you as Kagome pointed at the spot the shard was located. 

"Here we go" Inuyasha muttered as he made the first cut. You squeezed your eyes shut as a white blinding pain shot up from your abdomen. Your jaw ached as you bit down hard onto the cloth, struggling to keep a normal breathing pattern. Finding the shard only took a few minutes according to Kagome, however, the pain made it feel like an eternity.

"Got it!" Inuyasha cheered as Kagome quickly plucked it from his bloody fingers. You watched miserably as she wiped the blood from the shard.

"I'll be back okay (F/N)? Sango can you help patch her up?" Kagome asked as she quickly retreated out of your sight. Shippo later explained Kagome needed to purify the shard. Sango carefully poured cool water over your wound before she quickly dried it and bandaged you up. You felt extremely relieved knowing you no longer had the shard, however, you weren't completely out of the woods yet.

I still need to find Sesshomaru and warn him about Rin... If anything happens to her I'll never forgive myself.

• • •

Days had quickly passed since Inuyasha removed your shard and to your relief, Kagome assured you that your wound would heal up nicely. You assumed Naraku had been bluffing when he told you removing the shard would kill you. All that was left to do was tell Sesshomaru about Naraku, but deep down you feared Sesshomaru no longer wanted anything to do with you. You weren't sure you had much else to say to him aside from the warning. Kagome and Sango assured you that this fight between you and Sesshomaru would eventually be resolved, however, it was hard to believe that when you were constantly reminded of the passionate scene between Kagura and him. At the moment if anyone asked you how you felt towards him your only answer would be... complicated?




You jerked your head up and met eyes with Shippo and the rest of the group comfortably resting underneath a large tree. Embarrassed to be so lost in thought you rushed over and took a seat beside Kirara. 

"We'll be resting up for a little (F/N), then we'll get going" Sango explained as Kagome suddenly handed you a strange looking cup. You stared down inside its contents to find what looked like a hardened block of noodles. As if realizing your confusion Mirkou burst out in laughter. You felt your face redden as Kagome explained that the strange looking cup was from her homeland and they called it 'instant ramen'. Not really quite understanding you nodded your head regardless and watched as Kagome poured steaming water into the cup and within a few minutes the hardened block of noodles looked much more edible. To your surprise, you found it very appetizing.

A/N: That wraps up this chapter! I've had time to really plan out the next few chapters and I'm excited to start writing them. I recently went back and edited my older chapters and oh my god! I can't believe how poorly written my starting out chapters were!! I was shocked to realize I started writing this all back in 2016, I was just starting out my freshman year of high school and coming this August I'll be a senior. I just wanna give a huge thanks to those certain readers who've been reading this since 2016 and have actually stuck around for the chapters that I took an eternity to write. (I also need to thank those readers who still continued reading this story despite my terrible grammar)

I also have a big favor to ask. I've been thinking that maybe I need to give this story a more appealing title besides just "Sesshomaru x Reader" so if you have any title ideas please comment them down below and if I like your title I'll even give you a short part to play in this story! 

Sesshomaru X readerWhere stories live. Discover now