Just a Nightmare

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  You sat idly within the small crowded circle of Kagome, Sango, Shippo, Miroku and Inuyasha. Kagome instantly spilled the news to them even after promising not to tell Inuyasha, especially, who was basically waiting for you to tell more as he laid sprawled on the forest floor glaring up at you. "I-I already told you all I know!" you whined as Inuyasha sat up angrily. "Lier!" he cried out childishly as Kagome frowned angrily. "Now now Inuyasha we can't just force it out of her," the monk said as he waved his hands down coolly. Inuyasha scoffed, "Yes we can," he exclaimed as he pushed off the ground and began walking towards you. That was until Kagome screamed the simple words, "Sit boy!" you peered curiously at Inuyasha who now lie motionless on the ground groaning in pain. Shippo slowly shook his head as he muttered the word stupid. Kagome sighed softly before turning to face you. "If that's really all you know then sorry to bother you!" she said cheerily as you nodded quickly and turned to leave. After walking several feet ahead you spotted Sesshomaru standing idly by the village entrance watching you. Lowering your gaze you made your way up to him, "Sesshomaru..." you said lamely as he suddenly brushed his hands through your hair. "Where's Rin," he said completely forgetting about his outburst the other day. You shrugged, "She's with Kaede presumably picking herbs," you said lamely as his gaze suddenly past yours and stared at the incoming figure of Inuyasha. He frowned as Inuyasha came to a stop in front of you and Kagome apprehensively followed behind him. "Sesshomaru what kind of idiot do you have to be to make a deal with Naraku?!" Inuyasha angrily asked as Sesshomaru scoffed quietly. "I have no need to explain my actions to a mere half-demon," Sesshomaru said somewhat angrily as Inuyasha growled in anger. "Then explain why you'd be okay with her having a jewel inside her!" Inuyasha yelled angrily as Sesshomaru suddenly stiffened. Kagome held her hand up to her mouth as she glanced worriedly at you and quietly mouthed the words, "I'm sorry,". Sesshomaru hadn't even known in the first place, however, Kagome quickly covered it up when explaining to Sesshomaru that she'd already sensed it when she had arrived. Sesshomaru glared angrily at Inuyasha who seemed to have blown some steam off as he sat cross-legged on the floor nearby Kaede's home. Kagome's small group stalked away allowing you and Sesshomaru some alone time. "Did you know that he'd put a gem inside the potion?" you asked numbly as he stared quietly at you. "No," he said flatly. You both sat in silence as Rin suddenly appeared smiling. "Welcome back Lord Sesshomaru! Me and (F/N) really missed you!" she emphasized by spreading her arms out widely. "Is that so," he said flatly as he glanced over to stare at you. "Where's Kaede?" you suddenly asked changing the subject. "She's with Inuyasha and Kagome," she exclaimed as she sat down between you and Sesshomaru. Minutes passed by and Rin happily braided and unbraided her messy black hair. Rin soon grew bored and quickly left, leaving you alone with Sesshomaru who stared blankly at the wall. Finally, after summing all your courage together you scooted closer to his motionless figure and placed your hand over his. Sesshomaru stiffened as he stared down at you, "What is it?" you asked in between a mixture of panic and annoyance. Sesshomaru let out an annoyed grunt before leaning down and placing his lips gently against yours. Flustered you pulled away and stared down at the ground, "What is it?" he asked mockingly. You shook your head nervously as a small scoff escaped his lips, "Humans are unexplainable to me," he said flatly before turning away in triumph. "You're one to talk," you muttered as he stared down at you. "Really?" he asked indifferently. "I have to say I've done some pretty stupid things but that doesn't mean you haven't either," you retaliated. "Mistakes have the power to turn you into something better than you were before," he said calmly as you nodded lamely. Sighing in frustration, you leaned in and kissed the side of his cheek. Sesshomaru spoke no more words leaving you in a painful silence.  

I hope he's doesn't blame himself...


Upon entering Kaede's home a sudden drowsiness came over you and in defeat, you lazily laid down onto the worn tatami mat on the floor. Fluttering your eyes shut you felt your senses become numbed as you opened your eyes once more and found yourself in a completely new and unknown setting. 

You gazed around confused as you took in the following surroundings. Some vast forests, a vivid sounding river and one familiar figure. Rin. You watched as she called out to the unseen figure claiming to go off and look for some food. Your breath began ragged as Rin began walking dangerously close to the side of the deep looking river. The river made peaceful sloshing noises indicating the current was a lot stronger than usual. "Rin get away from there!" you called out and almost immediately noticed that she gave no response despite being so close by. "Rin!" you cried out as you attempted to move towards her, however, the amount of distance you covered didn't even get close to her. The forest suddenly fell silent as a loud splashing noise could be heard. "Rin!?" you yelled in a sudden panic. Rin's black hair bobbed up and down violently as she attempted to try and gasp for air, however, she only managed to take in large consumptions of water. You began shrieking as Rin failed to even cry out for help. "Rin! Rin!" you exclaimed over and over as her head finally went underneath the current. The forest returned to normal as if nothing had happened. However, even the small chirps of birds and the vivid river noises were blocked out as you began sobbing and shrieking in panic. 

You jolted awake and found yourself lying back inside Kaede's empty home. You sat up drenched in sweat as you stared around the room and suddenly met eyes with Sesshomaru's. He sat cross-legged against the wall until he suddenly stood and sat down beside you. "W-Where's Rin?" you asked worriedly causing Sesshomaru to frown. "Asleep," he said calmly as he gestured to the small body laying down parallel to spot he had previously been at. "Oh," you said sounding relieved as he suddenly tilted your chin upward towards him. "What is it?' he asked calmly as you shook your head. "Just a nightmare," you said weakly as tears welled up in your eyes. Sesshomaru scoffed lamely as you buried your face into his silky kimono. "Just a nightmare?" he repeated. It wasn't often that you got such harsh nightmares and if you did it was a repeat of the day Haruto had gravely injured you. You were beginning to wonder whenever Naraku had played a part in the horrific  dream, maybe he was sending you some kind of warning..?

A/N: Sorry if this chapter was a little dark but I hoped you enjoyed it! Please excuse any mistakes above.

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