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  You awoke to the annoying sounds of wind rushing past your ears. Your whole body ached as you could already feel a warm liquid spreading farther and farther down your clothing. You glanced upwards to see Sesshomaru, his white kimono stained with an ugly crimson red. He seemed to be in a rush to get you to the unknown destination as he continued moving throughout the forest at a hasty pace obviously ignoring your gaze. Even moving your hands or toes seemed to send waves of pain throughout your body. "Sesshomaru?" you said weakly as he finally locked eyes with you. "Don't move," he said almost angrily as came to an abrupt stop and laid you down on the ground. You froze as he undid your kimono and began tying it much tighter. "Try not to move, you'll only make the wound any worse," he mumbled as he lifted you back up in his arms and began moving again. Your vision blurred.


"Is she awake yet?" you heard Rin's familiar voice ask. You held your breath as another wave of pain returned. Finally, you managed to lift your head and stare down at your blood soaked kimono. "Yes," you said weakly as you dropped your head back down and stared up at the ceiling of the small hut you stayed in. "Sesshomaru?" you called out realizing you were alone in the bleak room. Several seconds past and the door suddenly slide open, revealing Sesshomaru's stoic face. His kimono was practically drenched in blood as he walked over and sat down beside you. "Where are we?" you asked as another wave of pain arrived. "We're back in Lady Kaede's village!" you glanced over and watched as Rin excitingly entered the hut and sat down beside Sesshomaru. "Hello Rin," you said weakly as another figure entered the hut. "You're awake?" asked Kaede as she came into view carrying a small basket full of herbs. "Seems like it," you replied glancing up at Sesshomaru who still hadn't torn his gaze away since he entered the room. "Ye were nearly dead when you arrived," she said as she hovered beside you. "Is that so?" you asked. She nodded as she placed the basket down beside you. "You need to rest, Come along Rin," Kaede said as she exited the home with Rin trailing behind her. You stared up at Sesshomaru who still remained silent. 

"Are you angry?" you asked him placing a hand over his. He remained silent for several seconds before finally answering. "No," he said lamely. "Is Haruto dead?" you asked bluntly. He stared at you puzzled for several seconds. "The man who did this to me," you said gesturing to your bandaged torso. Sesshomaru nodded.

 "What are you thinking Sesshomaru?" you asked as he stared. No reply. "I should wash your kimono once I'm healed," you said as you tugged at his once white kimono. He nodded before he finally leaned down closer and placed his lips against yours. Once he pulled away you laughed lamely. "I feel like death himself," you muttered as Sesshomaru planted another kiss on your lips. "Why is it so hard for you to complete a simple order like staying by my side?" Sesshomaru finally spoke. You laughed meekly. "I'm sorry, but I promise to do so for now on," you teased as he sighed relieved. "How long have we been here?" you asked. "A week," he said indifferently. You groaned quietly. "Oh gods," you mumbled. 

Sesshomaru stared blankly at you. "Sesshomaru what did you think was going to happen when Haruto stabbed me?" you asked suddenly curious. "I was sure you'd die," he said lamely. "Me too.," you muttered as you reached up and placed your hand against his cheek. "Did you ever figure out why the castle was so quiet?" you asked as he grasp onto your hand and placed his lips firmly against the back of it. "Everyone started coming out once they heard that man's screams," he said indifferently. You stared puzzled at Sesshomaru for several seconds before asking him, "Did you see my Father?" you asked weakly. Sesshomaru shrugged. "I didn't see him," he said. Several moments of silence passed until you heard the familiar voice of Rin crying out in enjoyment as she played with the village children. You laughed weakly causing Sesshomaru to stare. "Rin asked me if we're in love" you laughed as Sesshomaru nodded his head obviously not finding it funny. "At least, try to pretend it's funny Sesshomaru," you smiled as he placed another kiss on your hand. You stared up lovingly at him until Rin's familiar face poked inside the doorway and stared puzzled at you. "Lord Sesshomaru, (F/N) says I'm too young to know about relationships but are you and (F/N) together?" she asked curiously as Sesshomaru nodded causing her to squeal and disappear from the doorway. He stared down at you shrugging lightly as he laced his fingers between yours. "Rest now," he said as he freed his hand from yours and began running his fingers through your (H/C) hair. You sighed lazily as your eyes grew heavy. Sesshomaru stared silently at you as you finally slipped back unconscious. 

He stood silently and exited the small home and began walking towards the forest. He sensed Naraku nearby and he could no longer tolerate ignoring it. Sesshomaru trailed farther and farther into the forest until he came to an opening where absolutely no trees stood. He narrowed his eyes as he spotted a familiar figure standing amongst open grassy area. "Naraku," Sesshomaru said flatly as he unsheathed his sword. "It's a waste to kill me as I have an offer to make," Naraku said cockily. Sesshomaru frowned. "It's already known that your beloved has been wounded, after all, even you doubt the woman will recover from the wounds so does Kaede... At this rate, the woman will die painfully and slowly.." Naraku chuckled. "However, I have something that will help the woman recover," he smiled as he held up a small bottle containing a purple liquid. "Made from saimyōshō venom, this will help her recover in a matter of days, however, in return, you will help me track the remaining fragments of the Shikon jewel.." Naraku muttered as he rotated the small bottle in his hands. Sesshomaru narrowed his eyes as Naraku carefully tossed the bottle at Sesshomaru, who easily grabbed a hold of it. "Then it's a deal..." muttered Naraku as he began backing away towards the trees. Sesshomaru watched as he finally disappeared and he held the bottle up carefully as he observed its contents. He doubted you would live long as the damaged caused by Haruto was much more intense then explained, and he could tell you weren't handling the pain well. He sighed as he turned away and began walking back towards the village.

 Sesshomaru carefully entered the small home you resided in and shut the door quietly behind him. He frowned as he approached your sleeping figure and bent over and placed your head gently onto his lap. The bottle made a small popping noise as he uncorked it and lifted it up towards your lips carefully pouring it contents into your mouth. You quickly awoke, coughing, as a bitter taste filled your mouth, you glanced upwards to see Sesshomaru staring carefully at you. "Go back to sleep," he said annoyed. Nodding, you quickly shut your eyes and allowed yourself to fall back asleep. Sesshomaru stared silently as he recalled the deal made with Naraku, however, he knew he had absolutely no intention of helping the pathetic demon and planned to kill him.

 Little did he know that the concoction he's just made you drink contained a shard of the Shikon jewel and that under normal circumstances saimyōshō poison would kill a human in a matter of minutes. Naraku chuckled to himself as he began to wonder what would unravel between you and Sesshomaru.

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