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You grimaced as you could hear a stern voice mumbling around you. Sitting up, you found yourself alone in the small home. You stared confused as you watched the bandages tied around your torso blossom with a crimson red, however, you felt little to no pain. Sighing shakily, you numbly laid back down on the stiff tatami mat bed you slept on. You rubbed your temple gently as you began hearing the faint voice once again.


 You jolted upwards hearing the voice become suddenly louder. "W-Who's there?" you asked nervously as you scanned the room. A choking noise escaped your lips as you jolted forward clinging to your torso. You took in several deep breaths as you pulled your hand away to find it drenched in blood. Leaning back down onto the tatami mat you fluttered your eyes shut succumbing to the sudden drowsiness. A faint laughing noise could be heard as you sat up finding yourself in a fairly remote and eerie location. You were no longer within Kaede's quiet home and instead, you lay idly on the ground of a secluded cave. Glancing cautiously around you called out for Sesshomaru earning another mysterious laugh from within the cave. The cave soon grew silent as you stood up and began exploring the perimeter only to find a single way out of the small area. Gripping nervously onto your kimono you began walking down the darkened exit. As you reached the end of the cave you spot a mysterious man standing idly with his back faced to you. He must have noticed your gaze as he slowly turns around wearing a mischievous smile.

 "I expected you to still be within that cave cowering away, however, it seems like I misjudged you," he said coolly. "W-Where am I?" you asked staring worriedly. The man stared grimly at you as he suddenly stood towering above you. "It seems like you've recovered wonderfully," he said as he peered cockily down at your body. "You should thank me for that," he said as his voice grew cold and he met your gaze once again. "W-What?" you asked confused. He laughed, "That foolish demon, Sesshomaru, I proposed him a deal that if I gave him a potion to heal you, he'd have to collect the last few shards for me, however, he failed to realize I had planted a shard inside the potion he gave you, you're basically mine now..." he laughed coldly. Your breath quickened as he continued. "I have complete control over your life, I could kill you right now if I wanted to," he sighed happily. "My, My I wonder what will happen to you two... If he learns of the jewel being inside you, he'll try to get it out and when that happens it could possibly kill you and, either way, the outcomes for this situation seem dire, so I suggest you keep this a secret", he turned away and began walking towards the cave you had exited minutes earlier. "Goodnight then," he sneered as he disappeared into the darkness. Your vision went black.


You fluttered your eyes open to find yourself back inside Kaede's warm home. 'It was a dream,' you thought numbly to yourself as you sat up and felt the stickiness of your kimono against your stomach. You slowly placed your hand over the wound to find no pain whatsoever and the blood seemed to have stopped. A soft knock suddenly sounded by the door as Kaede walked inside, shutting the door behind her. She held up a silk kimono as she gestured down at your blood-soaked kimono. "Let's get you out of those and I'll change your bandages," she said as she untied your kimono and tore off the bloodied bandages. Several seconds past as she let out a soft gasp. You peered curiously at her as she held a hand up to her mouth. "K-Kaede?" you asked. "B-But how? Y-Your wound is... completely healed," she anxiously peered at your body as she hastily slipped your bloody kimono off and forced the expensive looking silk kimono onto you. She mumbled quietly to herself as she bundled the bloodied kimono up and exited the home. Several minutes passed and she didn't return so you hastily exited the home and spotted Sesshomaru and Kaede talking. You pursed your lips tightly as you wondered whenever you should tell Sesshomaru about the man's strange warning. "What was he thinking making such a deal with a strange looking man?" you muttered to yourself as Sesshomaru looked up towards you frowning.


Sesshomaru sat idly beside you as he raked his fingers through your hair. You were currently sleeping soundly once again. He stared silently down at your face which occasionally contorted with annoyance as he continued brushing his fingers through your hair. Sesshomaru frowned as he suddenly felt a familiar presence outside the small home he sat in. He cautiously stood and exited the home to find Naraku standing idly outside. "What do you want?" he asked rather harshly as Naraku let out a cocky laugh. "Has the potion healed your beloved?" he asked as he wore a smug expression. Sesshomaru narrowed his eyes as Naraku let out another laugh. "I suggest she has healed rather fast?" he asked as he circled Sesshomaru. "What do you want?" Sesshomaru repeated as Naraku stopped in front of him. "I've only come to see if she's healed after all it was my deal that saved her life," Naraku reminded him as Sesshomaru eyes flickered with anger. "I shall take my leave then," Naraku announced as he turned on his heel and disappeared into the dark forest laughing.

A/N: Sorry for such a short chapter, I'll try to make the next chapter longer!

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