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     You walked slowly beside Daiki as he lead you to the oddly secluded garden. "How are you feeling (F/N)?" he asked calmly as he slid the small wooden framed door open revealing the isolated garden. "F-Fine I suppose..." you muttered as he gestured you inside, "How are you feeling Daiki?" you asked lamely as you walked past him. He scoffed quietly as he slid the sliding door shut. "Does it matter?" he asked rather coldly as his expression changed from a kind one to a cold and angered expression. "I-I was just asking," you muttered sheepishly as he sat down on the smooth surface of a large rock. "I'm not sure how I'm feeling... I know one thing, though..." he said as he gazed up at you smirking cruelly. "I've never been so relieved in my life... You don't know how long I've wanted him dead... Selfish bastard..." he said in a dangerously low tone. You dropped his gaze somewhat shocked, "What a terrible thing to say," you mumbled as he stared indifferently at you. "Oh what would you know?" he coldly spat. You stared confused as to how fast his demeanor changed. "You seem angry..." you pointed out grimacing as he clapped his hands loudly together.

 "(F/N) can you define anger to me exactly?" he asked cockily. 

You stared back at him somewhat unnerved by this sudden question.

 "Anger could be defined as annoyance or displeasure," you said calmly as he scoffed.

 "Wrong, Anger is an acid that can do more harm to the vessel in which it is stored than to anything on which it is poured," he griped. 

"That's an interesting way to explain it," you mumbled as he nodded. "Can I let you in on a little secret?" he cooed suddenly as he leaned in close. "All that epidemic shit my father explained to you was just a pathetic tall-tale he tells to any woman who happens to come across us... Usually, he ends up selling them away as servants," he chuckled. "I suppose that explains why there is rarely any beautiful woman in the village... The plan originally was to sell you two, however, Aoto seems to have taken quite a liking towards your friend," he scoffed. "I suppose we both grew tired of father's actions..." he said lamely. "What are you saying?" you stammered as a cruel laugh escaped his lips. "I put my father out of his misery in a way," he said smugly as you stared horrified at him. "D-Does Aoto know?" you whispered as he shook his head no. "If you show any intention of telling him I'll make sure you meet the same fate as my father's" he angrily spat. For several minutes, no words were spoken until you uncomfortably shifted towards the door. "I'm going to check on Kagura now..." you murmured as he jumped to his feet. Startled, you made a run for the door and abruptly slid it open. However, before managing to exit you felt your body jolt towards the ground. Daiki laughed cruelly as you squirmed underneath him. "I did not give you permission to leave," he cooed as you continued to squirm. The door suddenly slid open all the way to reveal Aoto and an annoyed looking Kagura. Silence filled the atmosphere as Kagura and Aoto stood silent staring down at you and Daiki. "Kagura," you hissed as Aoto snapped at Daiki to get up. Daiki scoffed lazily as he pushed himself off you. Kagura angrily muttered under her breath as she pulled you off the ground.


"It's decided... We're leaving this God forbidden place tonight," you angrily mumbled as Kagura laughed lightly. "Fine, after all, I've grown quite bored staying here," she sighed lamely. You nodded.

Hours passed and nightfall came along with a heavy rain. "We will be leaving tonight, yes?' Kagura asked as she listened to the loud pitter-patting noise of the rain. "Yes," you practically whined. Kagura sighed lamely as she stood and smoothed her kimono down. "What a pain," she muttered as you smiled back at her. "I've grown almost as bored as you," you whispered as she pushed the sliding door open revealing the eerily dark hallways. "Hopefully, we can just remember where the exit is.." you joked as she trailed ahead of you. "Shut up," she hissed as she turned several corners. The two of you continued down the maze of a home and you wondered whether more and more hallways appeared along with crossways and rooms. "We're lost, aren't we?" You suddenly ask as Kagura turned down yet another hallway. "No." she repeated again for the third time. You sighed and reached down to touch your feet. "It feels like we've been walking for ages,". Kagura suddenly tensed and stepped closer to the wall. She turned abruptly and held her finger up to her lips. We weren't alone. The hallways soon flooded with the recognizable voices of Daiki and Aoto. "They probably just went on a short walk Daiki," Aoto whined. "Nonsense they probably snuck out," Daiki barked as Aoto sighed. "So what? They aren't our wives so we have no right to regulate them like animals," Aoto replied. Daiki groaned angrily at his brother and continued down another hallway until their voices finally faded away. Kagura sighed. "What idiots," she mumbled as she moved further down the hallway. Silence filled the atmosphere as Kagura came to an abrupt stop and placed her hands on her hip. "I told you we weren't lost," she explained sounding somewhat satisfied. You sighed lamely and watched as she pushed open the door leading to the exit. As you stepped out, the ground felt soggy from the rain which had long ago stopped leaving behind an uncomfortable humid air. "Let's hurry," you whispered as you quietly shut the door and chased after Kagura who had continued without you down the dirt path. "Where will we go after this?" you asked as you turned your head back at the large home giving your last goodbyes. "You tell me," Kagura sassed. You let out a nervous laugh as the conversation quickly died off. "W-Well for starters, I think we should get as far away from this village," you sneered remembering Daiki's cruel words. Kagura scoffed, "We'll be walking all night if we want to get far from here," she sighed as she removed the delicate feather from her silky hair. "You're right," you mumbled.

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