The Wolf Demon

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A/N: I'm adding this in the beginning because I wanna apologize about how it's honestly taken me an on obnoxious amount of time to just publish this. Sorry guys!

The cave felt dank and cold as you lay curled on the ground. The pulsing pain had almost subsided as you gently massaged your temples.

Gods... I need to figure out a way to escape.

Your muscles clench as you slowly sit up. Thankfully, no pain followed as you clambered to your feet. Tiredly, you exited the cave squinting at the bright morning sun.

"Finally, I thought it would be ages before you left that cave" a velvety voice called. Your mouth goes dry as you turn towards Naraku's voice.

"Just what are you planning?" You warily ask. Naraku sat cross-legged, in the forest's lush grass, resting his hands on his knees.

"Today you'll be left in the forest where you will wait for Sesshomaru and you will give him this" he calls holding up the small vial. You stare at the vial. It won't hurt Sesshomaru.. it'll only make him unconscious.

"And if you fail to comply then.." he chuckles. Suddenly pain shoots up your entire body and with a scream you collapse. Your body writhes in agony as Naraku looks down at you.

"I'm relying on you (F/N)" his voice fades as your vision goes black.

A gentle breeze eases you awake as you find yourself alone in the forest. Sitting up, you let out a tense breath. The pain from earlier still feels so vivid your hands shake. You struggle to your feet.

Just how exactly is Sesshomaru supposed to find me..?

As you stumble through the forest you come upon a small river. With a sigh you sit down by the bank slipping your feet into the cool water. Shutting your eyes you listen to the serene sounds of the river when it's interrupted by a low growl. Your eyes snap open just in time to spot two wolves watching you from across the river. You scramble to your feet as they bare their sharp teeth.

"Just what do you two think your doing?!" A voice calls. A figure suddenly appears and the two wolves quickly retreat. The stranger and you lock eyes and you tentatively step back. He leans his head forward and sniffs. Suspiciously, he asks "What exactly is a human woman doing in the middle of the forest?"

You open your mouth struggling to piece together an answer. "I'm waiting for someone" you quietly reply.

"A demon could easily kill you. You're sitting duck especially here by the river." He warns. You watch him taking note of his rugged appearance.

"I wouldn't know where else to go" you reply nonchalant. The stranger crosses his arms. You try not to stare at the fur on his forearms as he calls out.

"Tch... Only because I'm trying to be better for my Kagome I'll take you to the nearby village" he grumbles. Perking up, you ask "Oh! You know Kagome?" A sense of relief passes through you.

"Huh? You know Kagome?" He asks raising an eyebrow. You nod enthusiastically. He easily takes a leap across the river and lands on the bank beside you.

"The names Koga" his arm drop to his side.

"I'm (F/N)" you introduce yourself.

"Let's go then, the village isn't very far" he calls before he suddenly lifts you in his arms. Before you can protests he sprints forward.

He's moving so fast!

Clenching your eyes shut you uneasily clutch his shoulder. Not even a minute later you arrive at the bustling village. He stops a few feet from the entrance as not to alert the villagers. Dropping you onto your feet you turn to him.
"Er.. Thank you very much!"
He waves his hand, "Don't worry about it..  Any friend of Kagome is any friend of mine I suppose" he shrugs and moments later he's gone.

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