Keith was silent, looking down towards the unloading dock below.

"I support your decision to continue you Blade of Marmora training, but not at the expense of the team. Especially Zurine. They need you, Keith. They need you to be their leader. Not to mention a caring person for their love."

Keith sighed, "I know this is hurting Zurine. And I don't want her to be worried like this."

Shiro smiled and put his hand on Keith's shoulder.

"Zurine told a little while ago, that no matter how far, she'll be right by your side. Even though she's sad that you're gone, she respects and supports your choices. She understands that what you're doing is to better increase the chances of freedom in the universe."

Keith smiled, thinking of those words.

A few hours later, we all assembled in the bridge, where coran informed us of our next mission.

I sat on Luna's back while she lay sleeping on the ground, listening to Coran barely while thinking my own thoughts.

"Okay, everybody, today, we'll be heading to Reiphod, a planet recently liberated from Galra forces." Coran informed us.

Keith didn't like the idea of us showing off iur lions.

"This is embarrassing." He complained, "We're basically the grand marshal of a parade."

"Not a parade. A show of arms." Coran tried to correct.

"Whatever it is, this is the second one of these we've done this week. I'm not so sure Zurine can handle another one of those crystal, sparkle light shows of hers. Not to mention her being bombarded by people wanting to meet the Child of Sun and Moon." Pidge said looking down at me on Luna.

I noticed her stare, as well as everyone else's eyes focusing on me. I gasped and smiled, "I'll be just fine. One or two more shows shouldn't hurt me. Besides, I help give hope to those believe in Voltron."

"Zurine is right. I know it's not exactly battling the Galra, but belief it or not, this helps us boost morale and strengthen alliances." Allura said.

"Right, right, strongholds, blah-dy, blah-dy, blah." Lance said in a slightly non caring tone, "Now, i say we go iver our lion choreography one more time. I don't want a repeat of last time, Hunk."

Hunk looked down in embarrassment, "I thought my lion had more room."

I laughed, "Stay calm, Lance, mistakes are common. And Hunk, just remember that practice makes perfect. You'll have plenty of time to correct your mistakes."

Hunk smiled at me, but our little moment was intterupted when Kolivan appeared on screen.

"Shiro, my apologies for interrupting, but this is an urgent matter. A Galra supply ship has been spotted passing through Quadrant Omega-Rayler-Six."

"What's it doing so far from the normal supply routes?" Shiro asked.

"We can't be certain, but taken together with the fact that Lotor hasn't been seen in quite some time and the mergence of this new form of quintessence, we feel compelled to investigate. Normally we would wait for better intel, but I believe we should act upon this now."

"I'll send Voltron to intercept." Shiro said.

"An infiltration mission makes more sense. We can plant a tracker and see just how far the supply route extends."

I sighed knowing exactly what Kolivan was planning to ask.

"You're going to need Keith, aren't you Kolivan?" I asked, standing up and walking towards Keith and grabbing his hand.

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