Please, Stay

110 17 97

Hi guys!

A new edited chapter!


Edited by ladymaryterrace


It's unbelievable what I just witnessed when I blacked out. All these horrible future incidents that will decide our existence looked utterly terrifying. Only they will be able to fight at all costs but I am unable to see how it will end.

My mind is racing a thousand miles an hour and with my knowledge, I can see everything in a different light. However, I am unable to use this knowledge as it seems to be locked away in the depths of my mind only to be unlocked when it is needed, not just wanted by me.

I even know how to fly but I can't do anything about it!

It will become uncomfortable but I have a feeling that I will have to get used to it because I know the reason but I can't tell anyone, even the reason why my mind is not allowed to tell.

I don't know what to think anymore. Knowing everything that the human mind can't handle. It could kill them before it reaches 0,0000000001% of what I know now.

How can I be so exact about it? Where did these numbers come from? The worst part of this is that I know where it comes from but cannot tell anyone.

Then I realise that I am sitting on the sofa with Williams and Cesar near me. Williams is closer as I look at him in the eyes and both of them have a worried expression written on their faces.

"What happened to me?" I ask, trying to figure out what happened.

"Are you okay, babe?" My boyfriend as me with a worried voice and if somebody flicked a switch in my head and all the memories that I tried to suppress, suddenly flooded my mind.

I caught Cesar cheating on me with one of his friends in the bedroom we are sharing.

I also remember punching the other guy in the face out of anger and dragging him by his leg to throw him out of the building's front gate. I vaguely remember that I didn't have control over my body and I erased his memories of the last twenty-four hours.

Cesar extends his hand to reach for me but I slap it away. I feel my anger building up again but this time it seems that I have full control of my actions.

"Are you asking me if I'm okay?" I ask and I see Williams standing up and turning to touch the chair near the sofa.

"I will leave you two to discuss this in private," William says, getting up to leave but I touch his arm to let him know that I want him to stay. I need a witness or someone to support me in case anything goes wrong and I end up killing him.

"I would like for you to stay," I ask calmly.

"Are you sure? It is a conversation about your relationship and I don't like to be an intruder." He explains his point of view.

"Yeah, it is better if you leave," Cesar says glaring at Williams.

Why is Cesar looking this way at Williams? What did happen while I was unconscious?

"I want him to stay," I say with a resolution in my voice.

"I will be in the kitchen if you need anything." He says looking at me with longing in his eyes?

He gets up and heads towards the kitchen. I look back at Cesar, willing him to speak but he keeps his mouth tightly shut.

"How long have you been doing this behind my back? He looks ashamed and but understanding my outrage.

"How long?" I ask again.

"I never cheated-" But I don't let him finish his lies.

"How long, Cesar!?" I raise the tone of my voice.

"Just once..."

"That's not what it sounded like, I heard you say "I always like to ride you and it gets better every time we do it." I am not that gullible, not anymore and never again in the future.

"You never did it?"

"No, I never cheated on you."

"So, what were you doing with him? Were you on his bed?" I hear the sound of a chair being pushed away from the table.

"Were you fucking him?" He asks, pointing to Williams as I see him move towards Cesar with an angry face.

Before Williams can reach Cesar, I step between them and put my hand on his chest before he gets too close to him. To my utter surprise, when I touch him, I can hear a grunt of pleasure from him and a moan from me. I look at him like a child caught doing something naughty and we stare at each other for a little while.

I clear my throat as I look at him and see the lust in his eyes before turning back to Cesar.

"See what I am talking about?!" Cesar exclaims motioning his hand between Williams and me.

"You are a cheater too!" He says pointing to my face and it only makes me lose the rest of my cool.

I lift my right arm and throw a punch on his jaw, making him stumble to the ground and shake my hand in the air as a tentative way to alleviate the pain of the impact.

"You know what? I don't have to stay here anymore." Then I go to the bedroom.


Douglas enters the bedroom and Cesar stands up and follows him.

"Where are you going?" I hear Cesar asking.

"Anywhere but here," Douglas responds angrily.

"You can't go!"

"I can and I will. Watch me." Douglas states.

"Are you going to fuck the guy in the living room?"

"You disgust me now. I don't have to endure it. We are over. There will be no relationship between us." He says and continues.

"Don't worry about the rent. I already paid for it and also don't expect me at the airport because I will change my flight to not be the same as yours."

With that, Douglas exits the room heading straight to the front door. Cesar also comes out of the bedroom but he comes in my direction lifting his arm preparing to hit me.

"You fucker!" He tries to hit my head but I deflect it and punch him in the stomach and then I threaten him.

"If you ever think about going to the police, I will make sure you won't be able to leave your city and get a job and if you already have one, I will get you fired!" I turn around and run to reach Douglas.

"Douglas, wait!" I call as I reach him.

"Where are you going to stay?" I wonder if he will have a roof to sleep at night.

"I am going to a friend's house. It will be only for one week. My course finishes next Friday and my flight is the first thing in the morning." He answers my question.

"Would you like to stay at my place? I have a lot of guest rooms available."

He stops to think. "I don't want to be an inconvenience."

"You can stay there as much as you want and you can even extend your stay here in London. How long is your visa valid here?" I try again.

"Four months from next week. Six months in total." He answers, probably pondering about my offer.

"I can change your flight to the end of your visa. No worries, I will pay the necessary fares to change it. It is all on me. Please stay." I plead as I wait for his answer.

After some time pondering about it, he looks at me with determination in his eyes.

"I accept your offer." 


I hope you enjoyed the reading.

Until the next chapter?

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