Hanging Out

98 12 24

Hello guys!

Edited by ladymaryterrace



It's been two weeks already and I really like it here. The city is very multicultural, you can see people from all over the world enjoying themselves. I have to be careful not to walk around with my mouth gaping.

Unluckily, something I didn't expect has happened.

The school's location is at Southampton Place, Zone 1, so we are a short distance to most of the city's attractions.

Before we could take our classes, we had to sit a language assessment test to determine our levels of competency. As we are at different levels, we go to school at different times. My classes are in the morning and Cesar's is in the afternoon. We do a lot of sightseeing before his classes and on weekends. We love the tranquillity of some areas around the city and really enjoy our walks along the river.

I also found a park where you can sit on the grass, enjoying the view and where you can look at London and another place where there is wax figures of celebrities and also...

"Douglas! Stick to the story!"

"Sorry, I got lost by the beautiful view of the place."

Ok, where was I? Oh yeah... right. So, we are always together at lunch until his class starts.

*Scratching the head in doubt*

I think I have already said that, so let's continue...

Cesar uses his free mornings to walk around the city while I do the same in the afternoon. We have friends here already and it is great to hang out with them but there is nothing better than experiencing everything with your boyfriend.

Well, today is Friday and Cesar, our friends and I will go to a pub to drink. As I don't want to drink, I will be the only sober one by the end of the night. We will take the train back to our room after 11 pm.

Ah, that's another thing I forgot to tell you. Our school offers accommodation to their students with families, either in dorms or at a school owned house. However, we decided to rent our own place to allow us some privacy, especially when we want to have some fun if you know what I mean.

I am waiting in front of the school for his class to end so that we can all meet at the designated time and place.

While I am waiting for him, lots of thoughts flood my mind. For example, I am amazed that I live in a foreign country and wonder if I would get used to this place. How will I cope with homesickness and how easy will it be for me to score a job?

Let me tell you something that only my parents know about and now, all of you will. I have always dreamed of living overseas where the old mixes with the new. Besides the country I am currently in, I would also love to live in Canada and Australia sometime in the future.

For me, it is easier to live in Europe because my Portuguese heritage entitles me to a visa that allows me to move around Europe easily. There is a lot involved with living abroad like taxes, accommodation, transport, food and medical insurance. It requires a lot of money that I don't have.

Since I don't have a lot of money, I decided the best I can do is to enjoy my time here, make new friends and enjoy a lifetime experience that I will always remember. I want to absorb as much as I can and work really hard for my future children.

I look at my watch and realise that Cesar and his friends could come out through the door at any moment now. We decided to walk to the Pub as it will only take around twenty minutes and walking is better than taking a crowded train.

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