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Hi guys!

How are you?

The truth is going to be revealed and the future will slowly, piece by piece, shows it's face.

A picture of the sexy Douglas.

Enjoy the reading guys!

Edited by ladymaryterrace


Oh my god, Douglas is here in front of me. My daughter is in his arms, crying while clinging to his neck. He is trying to calm her down, softly whispering to her with a gentle smile. Once he turns around, he glares at me.

"What?" He asks, waking me from my amazement.

"What did you just say?" He asks again. Oh no.

"Did I say it out loud, didn't I?" I ask for no one in particular.

"Yes, you said, boss." Clara answers but Douglas interrupts.

"Is she your daughter?" He asks and his anger only increases when he hears my answer.

"Yes, she is."

"What kind of father are you? I found her at the food court alone crying asking for her father. How could you leave a child alone in a public place at the risk of someone with bad intentions taking her?"

"She was supp-" I begin to say and he cuts me off again.

"It doesn't matter. She is a child and can't be left alone. It's your responsibility as a father to ensure that she is safe!"

While he is talking to me, Clara approaches and offers to take Lucy from him. Lucy does not want to and clings even more to him.

"No, no!" She screams

"It is me, your aunt Clara, Lucy. It's okay, you are safe, Lucy," Clara unsuccessfully tries to calm her down but the little girl starts to cry again.

"It's okay, little one. It's aunt Clara and she wants to protect you too." Douglas says in a calming voice to Lucy.

Lucy looks up to Douglas as he wipes her tears. "It is going to be ok. You can go with your aunt and I will stay at your side."

Then, slowly she lets go of Douglas' neck and Clara takes her, walking away from the place to a calm place leaving Douglas, the security guard and my friend alone in the room.

"It will be ok. Can you leave Douglas and me alone for a moment, please?" My friend and the security guard look at me hesitantly and I nod in reassurance making them both walk out of the room.

I look at Douglas and he seems calmer now but the anger is still showing through his eyes. I really don't know what to do now. I don't want to open my mouth and say something only to make him angry again.

What am I thinking? Why would I, the owner of Scott Enterprise, be afraid to make this person in front of me angry? Why do I feel so hesitant to say something?

Well, this is Douglas. The guy who captivated me and stayed in my mind for a long time. As an influential person with lots of resources at my disposal, why do I feel so reluctant to look for him? I don't have an answer to his question.

"You are an irresponsi....aaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!" He suddenly screams, putting his hands on either side of his head.

He is in pain, what's happening?

"Douglas, are you well?" I ask, the concern filling my insides.

"Douglas, are you well?" I ask with concern churning in my stomach

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