Before the Meeting

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Hey there guys!

How are you?

Please, check Mousewriter88 book and enjoy the adventure.

Right above you can see a pic of Theo James to let you hot and bothered as Four... Just kidding!!!! Theo James as the very polite Williams.

Enjoy the reading!!!!

Edited by ladymaryterrace


The alarm on my phone is going off loudly which means it is time to get my ass out of bed and get ready for work. Yesterday’s feeling of euphoria is still buzzing in me and I jump out of bed much quicker than any other morning. Instead of eating my breakfast at home, I text Clara to order something for me in about 20 minutes. It usually takes about 20 minutes in light traffic to get from Kensington to Southwark but it can sometimes take over 30 minutes if the traffic is heavy.

While picking up a towel on the way to the shower, I check the time on my phone and I realise that I have to be even faster if I do not want to get stuck in traffic. After a refreshing shower, I stand in front of my walk-in wardrobe trying to decide what to wear today. Opting for a simple but elegant look, I choose to wear a black three-piece peak lapel suit with a white dress shirt and, to add a splash of colour, a burgundy tie.

On the way downstairs I receive a text from my driver, Richard, to let me know that he is waiting outside. After closing my front door, Richard opens the back door for me.

“Good morning, Richard!”

“Good morning, sir.”

“I already told you to call me Will,” I answer back.

“I’m sorry sir... I mean... Will.”

Although I care about all my employees and I treat them with respect, some of them, like Richard, is like family to me.

“Good.” I simply answer with a light smile. “By the way, how is Henry?” I ask about his son. “Is he feeling better?”

“Yes, sir... Will.” He corrects himself when he sees me giving him the ‘you better call me Will’ look.

“Where to... Will?” He asks me as soon as I get into the car.

“To work, please. I have a meeting in one hour and another at 11am.”

“Did you have breakfast? Do you want us to stop and get something on the way to the office?” He asks with concern in his eyes.

“I haven’t had any yet, but I asked Claire to organise it for me, so we can go straight to my office.” Robert nods and eases the car into the busy traffic.
When I get out of the car, I wish him a nice day and remind him to take the day off until my pickup at 5pm. Briskly walking through the lobby, I take the lift to the top floor and finally arrive at my private, executive office.

“Good morning, Clara!” I greet her with a polite smile.

“Good morning, sir,” she answers back brightly. “The conference room number one is ready for your first meeting at eight o’clock. Just to let you know, the director and the CEO of the Brazilian branch of the Investment Department, Mr Marcos Oliveira and Michel Fontes, will join you via video conference. You will find all the necessary documents set out in conference room number two.

“Please, enjoy your breakfast, Sir!”
“Thank you!” I answer.

I interphone Clara “Clara, please check if everything is set and working for the next meeting.” Only to be sure.
“Already on it, sir!” She quickly responds, once again making me appreciate how quick and efficient she fulfils her often challenging job as my secretary.

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