Dream or Reality?

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Hey there guys!

Guess what? I'm back and still alive!

Picture above is Arthur Sales as Douglas.

I hope this chapter goes well.

Enjoy the reading!

Edited by ladymaryterrace


8 months later

One month after we found out that my mom was expecting twins, an opportunity for an internship at Brasil Construções became available and I applied for it.

This company is part of Scott Enterprises and had a presence in Brasil for the last four years with its headquarters in Manaus.

The position was to provide administrative support to the International Trade and Investments department executive team. As I was told by the interviewer, the job is vital to support the planning, establishing and ultimately, transferring the Head Office to São Paulo.

Once I was offered this amazing opportunity, I handed in my resignation letter at my previous job. I told my boss that the new job was exactly what I was looking for to complement my major at university and she was very understanding. She wished me the best for the job and good luck in the future.

Five months later, I was given the opportunity to take over a colleague’s job, who, after a sudden illness, was on extended sick leave. My work ethics and performance did not go unnoticed by my supervisors and out of all the other interns and permanent staff, I was chosen to take on this massive responsibility.

I was pleasantly surprised to hear that my colleagues thought so highly of my work, especially since I was just doing my job conscientiously. However, they thought that I went way beyond my duties and managed to achieve great results.

Ever since I started the job, I consulted with my colleagues, asked them for their opinions and listened to their feedback. Their support was so amazing and I always felt that I could ask questions, make considered decisions and correct any mistakes that would turn up from time to time.

Deus, my life was super busy and exhausting. It became a never-ending cycle of work, study at uni and home to eat and sleep. There was almost no free time to unwind as I also worked Sundays to keep our very busy project on schedule.

Finally, the lecture on International Politics has ended and I am so looking forward to going home and sleeping in my comfy bed.

It is already ten o’clock but I still have to endure a lengthy bus ride because Cesar could not give me a lift tonight. This further adds to my feeling of total exhaustion but I won’t complain. I love my job but sometimes I feel the man upstairs could stop adding more stress to my life.

After Mr Alvarães dismisses us, I pick up my belongings and hurry to the bus stop where there is already traffic chaos. Students who were leaving the Uni in their cars created a traffic jam that also affected the bus service.

1 hour and a half later...

Stepping off the bus, I check both sides of the road for traffic and drag my tired body towards my house, almost sleepwalking.

Standing in front of my front door, I unlock it and want nothing more than to go straight to bed and sleep forever. I can’t see-

“Son? Is that you?” My mum calls from the kitchen.

“Yeah, mum?” Yawning, I head to the kitchen instead of my room.

Entering the kitchen, I noticed mum putting food for me on the stove to reheat.

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