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Hi guys! How's it going?

As I promised, here is the next chapter.

Annteee Miss you Auntie!

Ok guys, look up and see the handsome Douglas.

Enjoy the reading and off you go!

Edited by ladymaryterrace


Douglas flushes from his neck to the tip of his ears and he clears his throat to avoid sounding strained. Clara notices it immediately and stares at him.

“I’m Douglas Ferreira, ma’am, but you can call me only Douglas if you wish.” He introduces himself with a polite smile.

Clara finishes the introductions while Douglas and the men finish shaking hands.

Douglas finds it hard to keep his composure while shaking Robert’s hand. The handsome guy stared at him unflinchingly and full of lust while shaking William’s hand. He felt the intense, curious and deeply interesting eyes looking straight into his own, almost like he saw his soul.
Douglas was unable to tear his eyes away from the hot man he was shaking hands with now. He could imagine getting lost in those captivating brown eyes, in fact, he could stare at them all day long. Mr Scott clears his threat and Douglas suddenly realises that he is still holding the other man’s hand. Embarrassed, he clears his throat and lets go of his hand.

He looks at Clara.

“Let me just put the luggage in the car trunk then we are good to go.” And he goes for the luggage and when he is about to carry the luggage, the blue-eyed man joined him.

“Let me help you.”

But Douglas refuses. “No need sir, it’s my job to make you all look comfortable until we reach the hotel.”

Once again Robert insists. “That won’t be a problem, I’m always glad to help good looking people.” Robert continues with a sexy wink at Douglas who is embarrassed and looks at the luggage he is carrying.

Did he really just hit on me? He thinks to himself, still unable to believe it.

In the meantime, Clara approaches her boss with a knowing smile, snickering inside and trying to attract his attention.

“Boss, what just happened?” Williams looks confused at her.

“What do you mean?” He asks, a little bit confused.

“I mean what just happened moments ago?” Williams looks at her questioningly but she fails to give a hint about her comment.

“I’m talking about the moment you just had with Mr Ferreira,” he looks at her with a raised eyebrow as if he did not know who Mr Ferreira is.

“The driver, Douglas. I witnessed the moment you two just shared from my seat back here.” Williams directs his gaze from Clara to Douglas whose back is turned as he is busy with organising the luggage into the trunk of the car.

“Boss!” Clara calls out to Williams with raised eyebrows and a look on her face that says: “I noticed it and you can’t hide it from me.”

He clears his throat again, looks at her and says: “Well, he is a good looking bloke.” Williams looks at Clara with a serious face, although his eyes tell of different emotions.

Even with his serious expression, his eyes are showing embarrassment as if he was just caught doing something wrong that no one was supposed to see.

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