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Edited by ladymaryterrace

Please, check out a book of a dear friend of mine Under the Radar by Mousewriter88


18 months later….

“Good morning, Clara! How are you?” I greet her with a smile on my face.

She smiles at me politely and replies: “I am good, sir, and you? Your breakfast is ready. Actually, I made it myself this morning and I swear it is not poisoned!!”

I laugh at her remark, it is just like her.

“Ok, give me ten minutes, please, then come in so we can check everything.”

“Yes, sir!” She retorts and I head towards my office and open the door. Just before I close it, I look back at Clara and joke: “If I am still alive!” She smiles again as we politely nod at each other.

Closing the door, I walk straight to my desk smiling and shaking my head. I really don’t know what has gotten into me today but I have a strong feeling that today will be a great day. My breakfast is already on my desk in a brown paper bag, so I sit down and start eating it. Delicious!

After I finish my breakfast, I hear a soft knock on the door and I call Clara: “Come in, please!” I motion her to sit down opposite me and she hands me some documents.

“Sir, these documents only need your signature and then they are ready to go.”

There are so many documents that it will probably take all day to deal with them but then I remember that I was in a very good mood and once again put a smile on my face. I encourage her to continue with a nod.

“There are only three meetings scheduled today. The first one is at 1.30 pm, and the second one at 2.45 pm and, finally, the last one at 6.15 pm,” she informs me, still looking at her tablet.

“How are the arrangements going for the trip next week?” I ask her and she looks at me.

“Everything is organised, sir, but I need to know if Mr Ross is to accompany you or not. Once it is confirmed, I get back to you.”

“Don’t worry, Clara, I will ring him myself and let you know. Anything else?”

“Not at the moment, sir, but there are more documents and reports to sign that are yet to reach my desk. As soon as I receive them, I will let you know,” she says, not looking directly at me.

“Well then. You can go.” I say in a dismissing tone.

She stands up and goes for the door and when she’s almost out of my office I call her again.

“I won’t have lunch out today.

“Okay, sir. I will order. What would you like to have for lunch, sir?”

“A simple chicken kiev would be perfect for me, thank you.”

“All right, I will organise that for you!” With that, she leaves my office to return to her desk and resume her work.

After a good stretch of my body, I get ready to immerse myself in this pile of documents.

After what seems like several hours, I hear another knock on the door and Robert walks in with even more papers in his hand. Robert looks neat and sharp but his face has a dark demeanour.

Robert smiles at me but the smile doesn’t reach his eyes. Actually, he looks like he has not been sleeping well or not at all.

“I hope you are ready for the documents that I have in my hand,” he says looking at my desk.

After he hands me the documents, he takes a seat in one of the comfortable chairs in front of me and rests his chin on his right hand. He looks worn out and very tired.

“Are you ok, mate? You seem...” I don’t dare to continue. He gives four deep breaths and looks at me.

“Jessica was cheating on me.”

I sit up straighter in my chair, put my arms on the desk and move all the papers to the side. Now, he has my full attention!

“Yesterday, I went grocery shopping and when I returned to my apartment, all the lights were on. I unlocked the door, happy because my fiancé was back and I missed her so much.”

“I set the groceries on the dinner table and tiptoed to our room because I wanted to surprise her. Once I opened the door, I could not believe the scene in front of me. My future wife and a man were having sex in our bed.”

“Can you believe that?” He asks exasperatedly.

“I blinked a few times because I could not believe it. How could she? I was so pissed off but also very disappointed in her. With great force, I pushed the door open and made my presence known. She looked up from underneath the guy with a shocked look on her face that quickly turned to desperation and shame.

“It is not what it looks like, darling.”

“Yeah, right, and that infuriated me even further.” He utters with frustration and covers his face with his hands.

I wait to see if he is going to say something else. When he doesn’t, I ask him where he spent the night.

“I rented a room near High Holborn and spent the night there.” He answers avoiding the first question and I asked again.

“Why didn’t you call me?” He looks at me, indecision in his eyes.

“Don’t be so childish, we are almost thirty years old so act like an adult.”

“I didn’t want to bother you, man.” He says pouting.

“Talking like a child... again,” he pouts even more.

“And stop pouting, you look ridiculous! Stop it.”

Well, at least he is smiling.

“Next time call-” We are interrupted by the sound of a mobile. He reaches into his suit pocket, retrieves his phone and puts it on the desk. Looking at it, he realises, Jessica is trying to ring him, again.

“You gonna take that call?” I ask him, still looking at his phone. He shakes his head ‘no’.

“I gave her two days to set up her things and leave the apartment-“

“Did you have a proper conversation with her?” I ask him to stop.

“No, I...” He hesitates and cuts in again.

“Take the call. Talking is a better way to solve things.” I say sternly.


“Robert Stephen Ross! Take the fucking call right now! Put it on speaker!” He takes a deep, frustrated sigh, puts on the speaker and answers the phone with an irritated “Ross”.

“Robert, we need to talk, please.”

He hangs up on her and on his way out, he quickly confirms that he will indeed accompany me on my business trip to Brazil. Robert returns to his apartment to have a serious talk with Jessica.

Soon after, Clara delivers my lunch and the delicious smell of Chicken Kiev invades my office.

“There you go, enjoy!”

“Damn,” I think, licking my lips and looking greedily at my plate full of food. I might behave like a child when I am sitting in front of delicious food. Come on, I am not the only one with a weakness for food. I can’t peel my eyes off the plate.

“Boss!”  She points at my face, making me think that I am drooling so I put my hand to my mouth to check if I am actually drooling. She bursts out laughing and hands me my plate and an apple juice.

I narrow my eyes at her in a joking manner and wait until she finishes laughing. “Sorry, boss. I couldn’t help. You should have seen your face. Your expression was eager like a child getting candy from his parents,” and resumes her laugh.

“Are you finished?”

“I apologise, sir!” She says trying to hold back a smile.

“You are not sorry. It’s written all over your face and you cannot deny it.” I shake my head, trying not to laugh.

I point to my food. “Now, if you allow me.”

“Of course, sir. Enjoy your meal.” We nod at each other and Clara leaves my office.

While enjoying my delicious lunch, my thoughts drift to our expansion in Brazil and if everything is going according to plan, we could start the transfer of our offices from Manaus to São Paulo. All efforts will be made to ensure an easy transfer and we could even expand into other areas, such as electronics or Television but wouldn’t it lose the purpose?

Thinking about the TV electronics,  it reminds me of...


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