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Hi guys! How are you all doing?

Above you can see the hotel's reception where William, Robert and Clara will be staying.

Let's go straight to the chapter.

Enjoy the reading!!!

Edited by ladymaryterrace


"Their paths have joined!" One exclaims.

"It has taken to long! He is already over the age and the bond was there. So, why?" Another complains.

"We all know this. The bond is and was always there and the supernatural world can't handle what is to come! The supernatural creatures like werewolves, vampires, etc, will be the first to be succumbed." Another one replies the other.

"That's why we chose the humans, the two pair of people from different places to give birth to the ones to fulfil their destiny." The murmurs start getting louder, but another elder interfere and cease the loud noise in the room.

"The first born, relative of the children was to be a woman, but the Creator has them to conceive a man." Another elder make a signal to speak.

"But the older child, brother of the twins, was supposed to born sterile, so that wouldn't do any difference if it's a male or a female!"

"Yes, you are right, but... will the male born procreate?" Another elder questions

"We don't know yet, given the fact that the male remains pure so far and the Creator won't reveal it to us, even for our superiors has no knowledge about the subject. It looks like He has left us blind on the matter."

The eldest of the elders rose from his chair and took it all back in his hands.

"We know the Creator can't interfere in the human race because he has given the free will for them and depending on their choice, their have to deal with the good or bad consequences." Lamec, the leather of the elders continues his speech.

"Now back to mainly subject. The prophecy says that both of them has to become one so then they will discover the roles in the twin's life." And continues.

"We are still able to protect the twins from Dark and his army, but once their roles is firmed for the twins, we will have no control over anything. We will only be able to show a future that can be changed according to their choices in life. We have to make sure that their joined paths go on the right direction." And goes on.

"We still have the bond issues." An elder rise his hand and the others twenty and three turn their attention for the elder who's named Naim (Pronounce Naem).

"The bond exists but the pull is failing. Wasn't it to bring them together?" Naim asks and Lamec prepares to answer the question.

"The bond only allows them to feel each other sentiments, that's the reason there is no pull and it will only work after they join as one, it will serve various purposes." The eldest of the elders explains, but Naim rises his hand again.

"Elder, what about the nightmare/vision the first born, the twins older brothers had?" Lamec deeply sigh and answers the question.

"That was actually an attack from one of the Dark's Commanders. For him it might looked like a sleep paralysis or a nightmare, but that was real and they could have physically harmed the boy. That was once we failed to protect him and we will not allow that to happen again. We've been doing a great Scott's child am we failed with Ferreira's child protection."

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