A New Assignment

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Hi guys! How's it going?

I hope you're doing well!

Up you see the gracious Douglas on his bed waking up.

I hope you enjoy the reading!

Edited by ladymaryterrace

Beep, beep, beep,....beep, beep, beep..
As I hit my alarm clock hard, I am grateful that it was not my phone instead. I try to rub the sleep out of my eyes, stretch leisurely and finally get up. Then, I grab my stuff and head into the bathroom to shower.

From my window and see it is heavy raining.

Our bathroom is now only half the size (2.5 square metres) because my parents needed to create a room for my twin brothers. Looking out the window, I notice that it is raining very heavily.


It is going to be a tough day and at some point, I will be totally soaked. My Google Assistant informs me that we can expect heavy showers throughout the day with the possibility of flash flooding in some City areas. The current temperature is 23 degrees C.

The house is still very quiet which means everybody is still asleep. It is easy to tell if the twins are awake because they create a lot of noise. With my morning routine completed, I have a quick shower.

After drying myself off, I decide to take my clothes back to my room to get dressed there. Today, I am wearing a white, long-sleeved shirt with black jeans and I also pack a change of clothes in case I get wet at some point during the day.

Just as I am at my door, I hear the joyful sounds of my brothers coming from the dining room. “They are impossible,” I smile to myself. As soon as I walk into the room, I can see that mum struggles with feeding the two.

“Morning, mum! She looks up and answers “Good morning, son!”

Then the two of them look at me.

“Doo Doo!” They exclaim with their babe voices. Yeah, I know how it sounds in English, but they can’t help it, they can’t pronounce the name Douglas so it ended up sounding Doo Doo. Give them a rest and there are only two.

“How are my little guys doing?” I ask and they start babbling as if they know how to talk and are having a big conversation with me.

I look at my mum and she already has a tired face and it’s still morning.
My mum looks already tired even though it is still only early in the morning.

“You guys need to be quiet, mum is trying to feed you. Would you do that for your big brother?” I don’t know why but it looks like they understood everything I just said.

“Food, babies! Look what mum has got for you guys.” The twins seem to understand me better than my parents and sometimes they even ignore them.

After I spent ten minutes eating, talking to my mum and playing with my cute brothers, I got up to do the dishes. One less thing for mum to worry about today because dad seems to have gone to work early.

Once the dishes are done, I kiss both my brothers and mum goodbye, I pick up the biggest umbrella and head towards the front door.

The bus to the Bus terminal arrives 18 minutes later and the it is totally full.
By the time we reach our final destination, 30 minutes later.
When I finally get to the Bus 640 departure area, I had to wait another ten minutes for the next bus.

Thank God I got a seat on the bus, so I could snatch a quick nap until I reach my destination. 40 minutes later, there was an announcement on the bus.

“The next stop is Arena da Amazônia. Access here for the West Zone Buses.”

Worried that I could miss my stop, I jump out of my seat, almost missing the bar. As soon as the bus comes to a halt, I get out not even caring about the rain.

With the umbrella tightly in my hands, I find a seat and take off my shoes and socks and put them in my bag. I roll up my trouser legs, open my umbrella and rush barefoot to the gate, trying to keep as dry as possible.

After a five minute walk, I arrive at my building where I go straight to the bathroom to make myself presentable for work. On my way to my desk, I greet every single one of my workmates.

My workload is so heavy that at the end of the day I only managed to finish a quarter of my allocated work. Even though I do the work of a full-time employee I am only an unpaid intern but I do not complain about it because it might help me with my career goals and gives me opportunities to network.

It is still raining heavily at lunchtime, so I decide to order my lunch at a local restaurant and have it delivered.  After I call in my order, I return to my desk to work until my lunch arrives which did not really take very long at all.

Since I was starving, I devoured my lunch like a voracious lion within 15 minutes. Once again, I concentrated on my work so deeply that I did not hear anything except my desk phone.
I hear my desk phone ring and I stop what I’m doing to take the call.

“Douglas, could you please come to my office? It is urgent!” He asks me with a somewhat desperate tone to his voice.

“Okay, sir. I am on my way,” I retort, stand up and walk to his office.

When I reach the door I knock on it three times and wait for his permission to enter the room.

“Come in.” I quickly open the door and close it right behind me. He offers me a seat and asks me.

“Do you have a driving licence?”

“Yeah, I do but why do you want to know?”

“Good, I wonder if you can do me a big favour?”

“Yes, sir, I will if I can...”

“Well, we are expecting visitors from the head office in London in about an hour and a half and I need someone to pick them up from the airport. Unfortunately, the driver is sick and is unable to drive the car.”

“Could you pick them up from the airport, Terminal 2, Hangar 04, please? The rental car needs to be picked up from the rental car yard.”  He reaches into his pocket and pulls out R$40.00.

“Take the money and hail a taxi,” he says and gives me a piece of paper with all the information I would need for the job.

“You will find all the necessary information on this list including details of the car, location of the rental car company, instructions about the airport as well as the address of the hotel. Any questions?” He asks me.

“No sir-”

“Oh, and one more valuable piece of information. The person you’re going to pick is Clara Barton, okay?”

“Got it, sir!”

With that, I return to my desk, shut down my computer and put it into the locked drawer of my desk where I keep important documents. I use my phone to call a taxi and once it arrives, I give him the address of the car rental company where we arrive ten minutes later.

“I hope I can get there in time because the traffic is getting quite heavy,” I think to myself.

As soon as we arrive, I pay the taxi driver and enter the car rental office. Ten minutes later I drive a silver 2019 Ford Fusion towards the airport.

I'm going to be late. I am already stuck in this traffic for about 35 minutes. Soon enough I get free from the traffic when I enter at Avenida Santos Dumont, the avenue where is located the airport. I look at my watch and see it's 4:14pm, meaning I'm 14 minutes late, so I press down the accelerator.

I enter in the airport for an entrance that gives access to the hangars and drive to Hangar 04 and when I turn to the right, I can see three people standing, two men and a woman, who I presume is Ms Barton.

I stop the car, get off of it and head to the woman's direction.

"Ma'am, gentlemen." I nod at them greeting politely. When Ms. Barton starts to talk I feel two pair of eyes looking at me intensely and it make uncomfortable and I, immediately, flush from the neck to the tip of my ears.

I hope you enjoyed the reading!

So, what's going to happen, now?

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Until the next chapter!!!

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