Not Expected

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Hey there guys! How are you all!

Above you can see Arthur Sales as Douglas to delight your eyes on.

Enjoy the reading, guys!

Edited byladymaryterrace

Let's go!!!


Holding the discharge papers, my dad helps me stand up and walk cautiously.

“I can walk on my own, you know?!”

“I just want to help,” he huffs like a child. He might be an adult but when he is around our family, he acts like a child. I have a similar personality to him, but I am childish all the time, unlike him.

I know he is trying to lighten the tense mood but there is really no need. Sometimes, he cracks jokes at the most inappropriate times but I like him for it, apart from being my parent.

He is always overprotective of me, often to the point of embarrassing me publicly because he disagrees or dislikes something. I am not very flexible with new situations and tend to be an open book. What you see is what you get.

My dad told me once to remain pure in every way but especially when it comes to feelings. It started when I came out to them and they treated me, I thought, as a girl but realised that it was the way they are. The way my dad treats me today really reminds me of my childhood and how they always took care of me so well.

A light tap on my shoulder brings me back from my thoughts and I look into my dad’s worried face. “Son, are you ok?”

“Yes, I am. I got lost in my thoughts, that’s it.” I softly respond to the question looking to the floor.

He motions me to follow him to the car but tells me to wait at the main entrance while he goes and gets his car. As soon as he arrives, he gets out and helps me get into the car. This time I don’t complain because I am grateful for his help.

Once I am seated comfortably, he returns to the driver’s seat and drives the car from the car park to our home. Dad drives the car slowly and tries to avoid potholes so as not to cause me any further pain.

As we are approaching the garage, I notice Cesar waiting in the front of the house, with crossed arms and a worried expression on his face. I turned to my dad to find out why he is here.

“He was already here, watching a game with me while waiting for you”.

As soon as he parks the car in the garage, Cesar hurries down the stairs and opens the car door on my side. He picks me up bridal style which makes me flush furiously from the tip of my ears down to my neck. Suddenly, I feel an intense stab of pain and flinch.

“Ouch! It hurts!” I yell at him and he pulls back and apologises profusely.

“I can walk. Just help me out of the car, please.” I tell him, irritated because of the pain.

He puts his left arm under my right one and helps me to get out of the car and then lifts me up, taking care not to hurt my injured side again.

“Are you good to go?” He says and starts pushing me forward.

“I said I can walk!” I softly hiss at him.

“Please, let me help. I just wanna help you.” He responds with a stern face.

With a deep sigh, careful to avoid any more pain, I retort with an annoyed expression. I look up and see my father standing at the front door with a smile and knowing look on his face. “What?” I ask but Dad only shakes his head and goes back inside.

When we get to the living room, we are joined by my dad.

“Are you guys okay? Do you need any help?” Cesar immediately replies.

“It’s okay, I can take it from here. Good night, sir!” As soon as my dad leaves the room, I turn to Cesar and snap at him: “I thought my dad’s name is Alexandre, not Cesar.”

“Last time I checked it was his name, César,” I say with an annoying voice.

“You are so stubborn!” He whispers from the other side of the room.

“I have heard that before and you always invade my personal space,” I say after I ease myself on the bed, careful not to make any sudden movements to cause further pain.

Cesar sees me struggle with my button-down shirt and asks if I need his help.

“What does it look like? Of course, I do!”

He helps me take my shirt off and I catch him staring at my naked torso. “Hey!” I whisper carefully as to not wake my sleeping brothers.

His hungry gaze roams my body and I have to click my fingers in front of his face to snap him out of it. He looks at me with hungry eyes and red, flushed cheeks but avoids looking in my eyes.” He acts like a teenager even though he is an adult,” I think to myself.

“Doug, I have to leave, sorry, gotta go,” he clears his throat several times and seems to be in a great hurry.

“Yes, I will be okay. Don’t worry about me. If anything changes, I will let you know.” I try to reassure him with a soft smile and walk him to the front door.

We say our goodbyes and after locking the front door, I return to my room and lay down. Finally, I can get comfortable and close my eyes.

Next morning...

When I wake up, sunlight drenches my room and I slowly stretch my aching body. My pain medication seems to have worn off and I am in great pain again. Looking up, I see Mum leaning at my door, looking at me with motherly affection.

She moves towards me and sits down on the side of my bed.

“Are you okay, baby boy?” She asks me while caressing my hair.

She opens my bedside drawer and gives me another analgesic tablet, together with a glass of water and says:

“You don’t need to tell me anything about your accident, your dad already did.” She takes back the empty glass and puts it back on the bedside table. Before she can say anything else, I quickly speak first.

“How are my little brothers, mum?” She sighs and answers.

“Not good, they slept poorly last night and were quite restless. They still are.” Mum gets up, picks up the empty glass and as she opens the door, she turns around and tells me:

“You should go and see them, they miss you. For now, stay in bed, I will bring you breakfast.” She rushes towards the kitchen to start fixing a tray for me.

After breakfast, I gingerly get up and head to my brothers’ room. On the way, I bump into Mum and tell her that I am going to see the boys.

“Okay, son. Please be careful with your injury.” She says sternly.

“I will don’t worry,” I respond to her.

As I enter the room, I notice that both boys are indeed very restless. Both of them look anxious and close to tears. As soon as they can see me, Dalton and Daniel relax and stare at me with their big eyes as if they are analysing my face.

The boys seem to be happy with my presence and they are waving their arms and legs at me. I touch them with my right hand and they immediately wrap their little fingers around mine. Suddenly, they stop laughing and stare back at me.

Suddenly, I feel a warmth settling over my body and the pain in my chest returns. I try to remove my hand but it is firmly held by my brothers.

Surprisingly the pain disappears and my brothers release my hand. I stumble backwards but catch myself with my left hand, realising that there is no pain anymore.


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Untill the next chapter!

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