Hopefully, Blood Won't Be Shed...

Start from the beginning

Dream Francis seemed to be of some noble status and similarly enough, the lord and lady of the manor were his parents. Though a chilling detail was that Arthur was present in his dream too.

A peasant from London, or so he claimed, he moved to France for an ambiguous reason he couldn't get out of the boy and was hired as a servant in his manor.

While the other servants did exactly as their masters requested, not stepping even slightly out of line, Arthur loved to show his disapproval and disagree with the things he thought unfair. This was extremely odd for a peasant so Francis often questioned if he was of an ex-noble status.

Arthur and Francis were like chalk and cheese. He was the only one Arthur wouldn't treat with respect and refer to as he should have. It was a surprise he wasn't banished from the manor already due to his mouth, but he was hardworking and got the job done before anyone else, which kept him employed.

It was no surprise to him when he watched his dream self fall more and more in love with the defiant servant boy as he did in real life.

Arthur was against it at first, complaining how it was wrong and that they'd both be punished if someone found out about what he was up to but just like in real life, dream Arthur soon fell for him too.

They continued their secret relationship for a while, while it wasn't ideal to have to pretend in public and be scared that they were going to be found out, it was good enough to be beside each other even if it was for five minutes.

This went on for a while before the inevitable doom arose. As every tragedy goes, their happiness was short lived.

Their relationship had barely reached five months when they were found out. The lady of the house unusually walked into Francis' room and what she witnessed then, was the start of immense despair for the couple.

They weren't even doing anything incriminating, they were merely laying on the bed together but that was enough to be found guilty. A servant laying next to a noble was bad enough, but two males? Were they insane?!

Francis' mother rushed out to call his father while the discovered couple embraced and cried as they knew they were now doomed, they knew this would be the last time they would be able to touch each other. Too bad only the worst was in store for the star crossed lovers.

His parents came back, along with some guards and forcefully seperated the pair, leaving Francis in his room while they dragged Arthur away from him. As much as both of them struggled, it was to no avail.

When Francis said he was hung, he wasn't completely lying. He was hung, but by his own hands. The one who was hung by cruel humans was the poor English boy he so dearly loved.

His parents couldn't possibly tarnish their name by letting this affair get out and were determined to see an end to this 'vile' relationship and made sure correct measures were taken. They wouldn't keep the peasant who seduced their boy alive.

They claimed the Brit had stole copious amounts of money from the manor multiple times, and attempted to kill the lord once to get him a severe enough punishment. With a little bit of coaxing the authorities, they agreed to give him the death penalty.

Francis wasn't allowed to even see his lover until a week later, but it wasn't a joyous occasion.

His lover looked sickly pale, paler than he'd ever seen him. His arms were littered with bruises and cuts that certainly weren't there before. He looked exhausted and weak, not to mention his previously lively chartreuse green eyes were now a dull greyish green. Francis knew they wouldn't have treated him properly, but when he saw the feeble state Arthur was in, his fists curled and his blood boiled out of rage. He felt an overwhelming urge to grab the English boy's hand and run away from this horrid life. But all both Francis' could do was watch.

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