86 ~ Month Twenty Eight: March

Start from the beginning

"Stop looking at that picture!" I giggle, grabbing the printout from Brett's hands as a bike nearly runs him over.

"I can't quite believe it."

"Me neither!" I smile, stuffing the picture into my bag. "Thanks for coming with me."

"I'm not missing any of these Savannah."

"That's good to know." I smile, "I guess I'll text you..." I trail off, taking a step back as I prepare to leave.

"Whoa!" He exclaims, grabbing onto my wrist gently. "Where do you think you're going?"


"Come on, we're going for dinner." He gestures, grinning down at me.

"Dinner?" I echo, eyebrows furrowed.

"You really think I'm not going to take you out for a celebratory lunch on your birthday?"


"What?" He shrugs, "I know you don't have plans." He smirks, letting go of my arm. He's right, sadly. My stomach rumbles and I roll my eyes, wondering why everything in my body seems to agree with whatever Brett wants.

"Fine." I grumble, "Where?"

"Follow me, my lady." He grins, walking in the opposite direction. Following him down the next side street I find myself in a parking lot, stopping short at the sight of the  familiar black sports car. No way...

"You still have this car?" I blurt out, a smile spreading across my face.

"Of course." He grins, unlocking it and opening the door for me. The seats still look exactly the same, unworn and polished. This man really does take good care of his beloved car.

"How old is this now?" I ask as he slides in the drivers side.

"Very. It used to be my Mom's." He comments, turning the engine on. The familiar roar has my grin widening and he smirks at my expression.

"I still love it."

"I'm glad." He grins, pulling out on the street, "I'm thinking Italian food?"

"Sounds perfect!" I grin, suddenly in an incredible mood.

We end up having an incredible time, laughing and joking with each other for hours, the day flying past. He orders us both non-alcoholic champagne to celebrate and finishes the meal off by ordering a brownie for dessert. The gesture is not lost on me, him clearly remembering more about me than I ever thought was possible.

We eventually get the bill and after five minutes of arguing I give in and let him pay, but only because it's my birthday. We leave as soon as it's paid, continuing our conversation as we jump back into his car and he drives back to my apartment. An argument nearly breaks out as he insists on walking me to my door but I give in once more, desperate not to ruin my happy mood as I shake my head and get out of the car.

After walking up the stairs in silence I slide my key into the lock and glance back at him, suspicious at the sight of a smirk on his face. Why did he insist on coming all the way to my apartment anyway? Is he plotting something? Where's Becky? I think she's home, at least I can call her if he starts trying anything weird.

"Well, thanks for walking me to my front door..." I babble as I push the door open.

"Surprise!" I'm cut off by the humongous yell that sounds out from the room and I jump out of my skin at Brett's grinning face, turning back to face my beaming friends.

"What?" I squeal.

"Happy birthday babe!" Becky grins, walking forward and enveloping me into a hug. "I'm sorry Elle couldn't make it."

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