"all you've done since your dad stepped off was work your ass off to keep the order, you've handled every bullshit problem that came up, and now you finally have a chance to live some type of normality and you want to fuck it off?" harrison raised his voice. "harrison, i said drop it. so fucking drop it." tom snarled at him. he watched harrison shake is head all the way out of the hotel room. tom let out an aggressive sigh as he pressed his back into the counter. "it's not that easy," tom whispered to himself. he heard a clicking noise, he looked across the way and saw sabrina coming out of her room. he stared at her pulling her hair over to one shoulder. she was in a burgundy short sleeve and black tapered paper pants with black thick heels. "um, am i dressed alright?" she sucked in one side of her cheeks. "y-yeah, lets go." he said looking away from her quickly.

i followed tom in step as we made our way to the cars. i tried to glance at him to get him to look at me, but it didn't work. he was too lost in thought. well i hoped he was because thoughts of this morning and last night being a fluke ran through my brain. we got down to the garage and saw two black suv's. harrison was standing by one and i saw how his eyes were staring intensely at tom. tom must've saw too because he grabbed my hand and led us to the other car. once we were situated in the car tom tapped the driver on the shoulder and he began to drive. it was quiet for a few minutes, the only sound being tom texting away on his phone. "tom," i piped up. i watched him to see if he heard, don't think he did. "tom hey," i said louder. still nothing. i started to grow annoyed with how glued he was to that damn phone. without thinking i snatched it away from him.

"the hell? what're you doing!" he gasped annoyed. "i was calling your name." i stated bluntly. "okay what do you want?" it angered me to hear how annoyed he was. a pang hit my chest, i did just yank his phone away, i'd be upset too. i slid his phone back to him and he gently took it still staring at me. "uh, where are we going?" my voice showed how bashful i was feeling. tom sighed slightly and looked out the window. "remember how coleman chose for me?" the words hit my heart like a dump truck. "well, i'm glad he did. because now i have the upper hand. we're headed to a board meeting, the families of england will be video chatting with us along with some low mafia familes here in the states." i was looking down at my feet as he spoke so emotionlessly. "we're going to present you, the last heir of the pierce family, as a power move." i nodded to toms words.

god i felt like an idiot. was he just trying to butter me up? so i wouldn't object to this play he's trying to make? i felt sick and sad and angry and confused all at once. i stayed quiet the rest of the ride with my eyes glued to my thighs. i could feel tom stare at me every five minutes or so, but i couldn't bring myself to look back at him. "we're here sir," the driver said plainly parking the car. tom nodded his head and stepped out of the car. in a second he was opening my car door and letting me out. do i? what if i just didn't go? what would happen then? "sabrina?" tom spoke to me in a gentle voice, the gentle voice i grew to fall for. i nodded my head once and got out. "just follow my lead alright?" he spoke aloud as harrison approached us. i looked around and saw we were at a business building of some sort. tom had four men walk with us to the elevator, i knew two of these men. i side glanced at one of them and thought back at the day i was last at my office. i blinked my eyes a couple times and looked ahead of me to see the elevator doors opening for us.

once we were in and the door were shut tom swiftly put me in the corner and placed both of his hands on the walls bear my head. "i need you to listen to me okay, stay next to me at all times." his eyes were dangerously serious. "i can't risk them trying to take you from me." toms voice was low and made me shiver. my heart was jumping up to my throat. "when i introduce you i just need you to stand up, say your name, your mothers name and father name. and then sit back next to me." he brought a hand from the wall to caress my cheek. i was starting to get lost in his eyes wondering if he was saying this to me as tom from last night, or as a king trying to play his pawn. "sabrina, do you understand," he whispered leaning closer to me. i nodded my head slowly and i could see his body relax. the elevator dinged loudly and the men plus harrison started to exit but tom kept us in this position.

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