That's enough for one day.


The consistent hammering on the front door has me cursing as I stumble towards it, the disruption having woken me from a nap. It reminds me of when I was in college and Elena would forget her keys at least once a week, forever interrupting my dates, naps or food so that I'd let her in.

I hated being interrupted then and I hate it now.

Grabbing onto the handle I yank it open, not caring that the permanent glare that's residing on my face is going to be what the person first lays eyes on.

"Brett!" My eyes immediately widen, the glare being replaced by a look of shock, "What are you..."

"I brought Chinese." He grins his killer smile, holding up a brown paper bag in his hands.

"How did you find out where I live?" I query and he raises an eyebrow at me. "Right." I mutter. Of course, he's a bloody millionaire. What can't money buy?

"Becky in?" Brett asks as I reluctantly stand back, letting him enter the apartment.

"No. She's on a date."

"This is a nice place." He notes, glancing around at the brick walls, the open plan living area, the collage of Becky and I on the left hand wall.

"Don't be sarcastic." I retort, shutting the door behind him.

"I'm not!" He insists, turning back to face me.

"Please! Your place is probably twice the size." I scoff.

"You know I never cared for that."

"What Chinese did you bring?" I ask as he places the bag down on the counter.

"Chow mein. Your favorite." He grins and I feel my eyebrows rise slightly. Why does his impeccable memory always surprise me?

"Thanks." I reply, shooting him a small smile as I walk around the other side of the counter, grabbing cutlery from the drawer and sliding some across to him as he places a box in front of each of us. "Here."

"Thanks." He smiles before opening his box. "So how was your day?"

"It was okay."

"Not going to open up to me, huh?" He smirks, watching as I take the first mouthful. I'm unable to keep the happiness hidden from my expression as the taste fills my mouth and I notice the amusement that fills his features at the sight.

"Brett, I appreciate the food." I reply, having quickly swallowed. "But I don't know what you think this baby is going to change!"

"Savannah, this could be our chance..."

"We've had too many chances in the past!" I retort, "I'm done with it." I announce, noticing his expression fall slightly, "This baby was... a mistake. We both know that." I shrug, "It doesn't change anything between us."

"You won't even open your mind to the possibility?" He tries and I look back down at my food.

"No." I reply simply, before shoveling more food into my mouth. We descend into an uncomfortable silence, our differing opinions now explicitly clear. He went on a date today, why does he even want to talk about the possibility of recommencing our relationship? Just because we're having a baby? Absolutely not.

"This is good chow mein." He says suddenly and I glance back up.

"It is." I agree.

"Have you had any cravings yet?" He asks and I shake my head.

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