"Straight down the corridor, turn left at the end."

"Thank you!" I reply gratefully as he nods before walking around me. I make my way down the corridor, grateful when I see his name printed on the wall. Taking a step closer I see the door is ajar and take a peek in, smiling as I see him at his desk, head down and eyebrows furrowed. I gently knock on the door and he looks up.

"Savannah!" He exclaims, standing up as I push the door open.

"Sorry!" I say, walking in. "I should have called."

"No!" He grins, walking towards me. "This is a lovely surprise." He smiles, reaching around me to shut the door. "You okay?"

"Yeah. I completed another case so they let me go early."

"That's amazing!" He exclaims, grabbing hold of my waist. "I'm so proud of you."

"How's your day going?" I ask, grinning as I take a step forward, gently pushing him back against his desk. He perches against it, pulling me closer towards him.

"It's better now." He grins before reaching up and grabbing hold of my hair clip, pulling it out to let my hair flow freely down my back. "That's better." He breathes out before he moves me even closer, clutching me to him as we begin to kiss. 

I move my lips urgently against his, eliciting a moan from him as he wraps his arms around my waist, one hand lower than the other to push my lower body into his.

Suddenly the door slams open and I spring back, turning with a start to face the intruder. How dare they! I mean it's Brett's office, shouldn't people knock... Oh.

"Mr Winters!" I blurt out, eyes wide as I take a step away from Brett who stands up, brushing himself down.

"Savannah." Mr Winters replies through gritted teeth. Oops.

"Dad I..."

"No need to explain son." His Dad cuts him off before shooting me a glare, "I can see where your priorities are."


"Why do I even bother trying to train you up for this if you're going to be throwing it all away for some girl?"

"I am not throwing anything away." Brett argues, taking a step forward, "And she's not some girl!"

"Oh really? How long until you're on to the next one?" Mr Winters snorts. Ouch.

"Uh... I'm gonna go..." I manage to blurt out, grabbing hold of my bag which had fallen to the floor during our passionate kissing.

"I think that's best!" His Dad snaps.


"It's okay." I assure Brett, shooting him a small smile before making my way to the door.

"I'll text you." He replies to my back and I make no effort to look around, my cheeks reddening more and more every second. "How dare you!" I hear Brett explode as I leave the room, "This is my office and she is my girlfriend..."

"How dare I? How dare you disrespect me! This is my business and I will tell you exactly what you can and can't..." I hurry away quickly, Mr Winters' voice disappearing as I practically run back towards the elevator, numerous people shooting me odd looks.

I guess I'll try and get the train back to Edgewater and ask Alex to pick me up.


"Honestly it was a nightmare!" I grimace, holding my phone in front of me and looking at my two friends on the screen, the camera capturing my double chin as I lay across my bed.

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