Survival - Insanity - Chapter 12.5

Start from the beginning

"Hello?" I answered the call.

"Don't go home," A familiar male voice spoke through the line. That voice... I know that voice.

"What? Who are you?" I asked in confusion.

"Don't go home tonight, or you'll meet your tragic end," The voice warned in a low tone. I lowered my phone in confusion and furrowed my eyes at the screen.

"Is this a prank? Because it's not funny," I snapped and hung up on the call. Yoongi, his parents, and I had dinner together throughout the night. The good thing was they stopped talking about the strange things. Instead, they made jokes and laughed at memories of our days back in Busan. And just like that, they were the sweet and kind aunty and uncle I knew back in Busan again.

Maybe I was just overthinking? Yoongi didn't laugh much... he sat quietly staring at his food.

Whoever the caller was, he was right. I shouldn't have gone home that night because someone tried to murder me.


"So that's what happened? Sora, the Min is opposing your relationship with Yoongi," Jungkook exhaled while staring at me from the opposite side of the room as the nurse withdrew his blood.

"I'm sure I know that voice," I whispered, deep in my thoughts.

"Sora, it doesn't matter. Whoever called you knew you were in danger. But what's important was that Yoongi's parents tried to murder you, and they didn't even try to hide it," Jungkook shot me an anxious look.

"No, I'm sure it wasn't them! I mean- I just had dinner-"

"Sora, for god's sake! Think will you? Yoongi said he'll do anything for you as long as you're breathing !" Jungkook rolled his eyes at me.

"So if I stopped breathing..." I whispered in realization. Oh...

"Yeah, if you're dead- Yoongi won't-"

"No, it's not them," I refused to believe him. It can't be- It can't be!


"It's not them. It's someone else- I'm sure they don't want to hurt Yoongi-"

"SORA! Listen! They've already confessed their intention! Stop being so naive!" Jungkook snapped in irritation.

"What do you mean-"

"They came by earlier to confirm your condition. They claimed they had to eliminate you because they didn't have a choice... I'm sorry, but it's them. Stop defending the culprit," Jungkook bit his lips anxiously as he stared at me.

"They did...?" I whispered while staring at him. Jungkook nodded at me and let out a heavy sigh. I glanced down at my hands... numbed by the truth. So all those smiles and laughter... it was fake? They were cheering for my death? And Yoongi knew? All along? My chest churned intensely as I thought of him.

"Sora!" Jungkook called and waved his hand before my face to snap me out of my thoughts.

"Huh?" I asked, turning to look at him as the nurse gathered the medical supplies.

"Let's go for a walk," Jungkook smiled, holding out his hand.

"I-I don't feel like-"

"Oh, come on. Yoongi and you won't last anyway, so you better get over him soon," Jungkook huffed, helping me off the bed.

"I'm gonna kill you. Yoongi wouldn't do that to me!" I smacked his arm with all my might. Is he trying to ruin my relationship just because I ruined his chance with Minah?!

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