I narrowed my eyes.

I knew her.

"Yoo, she's looking at me guys!" Benji beamed. "Im in! I AM INNNNN."

The booth of guys laughed, smacking Benji on the back.

"No way. She's looking at Bieber." Harry laughed. "I think we just found someone to help you get over your Ariana chick."

I shook my head, a smile tugging on my lips. "Nah man."

He laughed.

I glanced back in the direction of the girl. She was walking over to us, holding her cocktail glass.

The boys got excited, waggling their eyebrows at eachother and downing their shots before she arrived.

I squeezed my slightly alcohol-affected eyes shut then re-opened them as she reached our booth.

One of the guys wolf-whistled, causing a smirk to form on the girls red lips.

"Hey." She spoke.

The guys chanted drunken greetings and 'hellos', making fools out of themselves but making the girl laugh. She placed a hand her hip, shifting her weight onto one leg. Her misty eyes focused on me.

"Justin Bieber." She said slowly, a smile on her lips.

I looked her up and down. "Uh.. hi."

"You remember me?"

I itched my forehead. "I don't know, i mean mabye if i was more sober or something.."

The boys laughed.

"Madison." She reminded me. "One of Ariana's dan-"

"Dancers." I finished, suddenly remembering her.

The boys traded looks.

Madison took a sip of her pink cocktail. "So you do remember me."

I frowned. "What do you want?"

"I just came over to ask if i could talk to you for a minute."

She glanced at the boys.

"In private."

"If it's about Ri i don't wanna know." I said. I turned back away from her.

"Oh i think you do." She said.

I traded looks with Harry.

"It's kinda a big deal."

I rolled my eyes.

"I'll be over there." She said, twisting on her heels and begining to strut away from our booth.

I shook my head, picking up the shot glass from the table. I raised it to my lips, downing the substance in one quick gulp. I scewed my eyes up, feeling slightly dizzy as i stood up from the booth.

"I'll be back." I told the guys.


I hurried to follow Madison through the club, weaving my way in and out of the busy crowd behind her. She squeezed over to a spare booth across the other side of the room, sliding into one side of the table.

I paused for a moment and then lazily slid into the otherside, leaning back against the chair. "What is it?"

"You really are pretty drunk." She pointed out.

"Slightly intoxicated maybe.. Now what did you want?" I asked again.

Madison lifted her arms, folding them on top of the table. "Ri's been keeping something from you." She said.

Nothing Like Us - (Sequel to Being A Braun)Where stories live. Discover now