"Zurine is correct." Allura said, "My father discovered another comet like that before I was born."

"Your father... and Zarkon." Coran added sadly.

I stiffened at Zarkon's name. After the vision I had earlier, even mentioning Zarkon's name brought back memories of the once kind man I knew all those years ago.

And then the shadow that warned me. That warning still echoed in my ears, not to mentuon the strange whispers.

'Who is the Dark one?' I thought.

"This was back when Zarkon was the Black Palidan?" Hunk asked, tearing me away from my thoughts.

"Before that. Before Alfor built the lions." Coran answered.

Shiro turned towards Allura, "I know this is painful to talk about, but if we're going to stop Lotor, it's time we heard the rest of the story." He said.

I sighed, letting go of Keith's hand and walking iver to Allura's side.

She looked over at me and I smiled, trying to comfort her as Coran began the tale from the past.

"In the beginning, the palidans were just six leaders.... who despite coming from cultures that were vastly divergent and in some cases have been warring for generations... managed to look past their differences in an effort to protrct their common interests."


King Alfor was on a foreign planet, chasing down some scavengers. He was alone as he stomped through the rocky ceiling of their base.

His foot landed on one of the scavengers, smacking him into the ground.

Alfor quickly noticed his mistake in going in alone when he spotted the other bandits.

"Oh, dear." He said as he looked at the large group ready to attack the king.

The scavengers charged and swung their blade at the Altean king, to which Alfor skillfully blocked and dodged with his sword.

Suddenly, he was knocked to the ground by a sneak attack from behind. Alfor was thrown to the ground, losing hia grip on his sword.

The attacking scavenger launched himself onto Alfor, who blocked the twin daggers the enemy held with his armored arms.

Just then, and sounds of clanging metal met Alfor's ears, he gasped and looked towards the group of scavengers as they were mowed down by Alfor's partner...


Zarkon raced towards Alfor and knocked the scavenger off of him. Soon, the other palidans came in and helped in the small battle with the others.

Once the fighting was over, Alfor smiled and laughed in victory.

"I keep warning you not to break formation and run ahead, Alfor." Zarkon said, almost tired of repeating his warning, "You are much more knowledgeable as an alchemist than a soldier."

"That's what I keep you around for, Zarkon." Alfor said.

After that, the palidans went to Zarkon's home, Planet Daibazaal, to celebrate.

The five palidans, not including my father, sat at the table while the servants waited on then.

The full list of Palidans were as followed.

Zarkon of Planet Daibazaal.

King Alfor of Altea.

Gyrgan of Rygnirath.

The White Lion PrincessМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя