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You're so annoying. You're young, and everything you do is for an extra sliver of recognition, for an extra second of attention. Your world revolves around you because you are your world. Everything you do, everything you live for, is for yourself. Scream and gossip all you like, you're neither above nor below me. In the end, this is just another waste of a night. The eyes are on you, but so is the responsibility. Go ahead, entertain them. You're not satisfied with yourself, you want everyone else's worlds to revolve around you too. Hear that? That's the sound of everyone ignoring your jokes. Your stories. Your questions. In the end, everyone's worlds revolve around themselves and themselves only. I'm not excluded from this. I'm just as guilty -- just as stupid, just as annoying -- as you.

Why are you still here? What do you gain from this? You're not making any connections or strengthening any bonds. If anything, you're breaking them. You're not fun or quirky or worth being around. You're just the creepy bitch in the corner of the room, typing away at your glaringly bright phone screen while everyone else is trying to watch a movie. You're a moody teen. A high maintenance loser. Why aren't you leaving yet? Would you be happier if you could stop playing the part of Mary Sue?

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