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my eyes feel like furnaces. like i have a fever in one part of my body. they burned before i had even scrubbed them with tissues, trying to erase any trace of the tears that were ironically still falling, while knowing fully well that i would wake up the next morning with swollen eyes. it's a warning sign, screaming "this person had a mental breakdown last night! you might want to stay away just in case you're in their vicinity when they snap again!" my snot was dripping past my lips in rivers, pools, and ribbons. i blew my nose and an entire ocean fell out. i lost count of how many tissues i used to mop up all of that snot. when i tossed them in the trash, they weighed the rest of the garbage down. my philtrum is smooth and soft from all that moisturization.

at first i wanted to curl up on the couch with some junk food and watch netflix, but my skin had only JUST gotten cleared, and i wasn't about to throw it all away for one stupid simp session. i went upstairs, put on a song that my friends would hate but hit me right in the gut. i curled up under my covers in the black darkness and just started sobbing. i crawled out when i realized that my sheets were quickly becoming more tears than fabric. i fell to the floor and leaned against my bed frame, in the exact same position i was in a few months ago. i played another song on repeat, one that i discovered after i had first cut myself. i crawled around on all fours, searching for a tissue box. i saw myself in the mirror, and god, i was a mess. my mouth was turned in an almost comically round frown, and unidentifiable fluids coated every inch of the lower half of my face. after a while, the crying stopped. i began to clean up, only to feel the waterworks turn on again. i sobbed more.

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