Green Tea

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I wish I could say that I would be something a bit sweeter, but if I were an ice cream flavor, I would be green tea. First of all, like green tea, I'm pretty ethnic. I was born and raised in California, but I refuse to assimilate to white culture. As much as I want to fit in and be a "regular" teenager, celebrating diversity and respecting my heritage comes first, before something as superficial as blending in. Green tea, on the other hand, is not so lucky. Green tea can't speak up and doesn't know when or how to stand up for itself. But green tea was planted and was grown as nothing other than green tea. Adding things like milk, sugar, or water will never erase the fact that green tea is, was, and will always be green. Like green tea, I could be considered a more "mature" flavor. I am just a teenager like green tea is just an ice cream flavor, but I (and the other flavors) know that I work harder and longer than a lot of people, just to be at the same level. Nothing comes easy, and I didn't always know it. I surrendered myself to the title of "just another Asian" because I didn't know what I was worth. But that's the best part about green tea: it's a plant. You can kick it, spit on it, and bury it in the ground, but as all plants do, it will grow.

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