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it's not like they tell you. looks aren't everything. i wake up early every morning just to fill in my eyebrows and fix them over and over again because it's never good enough and i never really like them but it's the best i can do. i've replaced my wardrobe a million times over because the style is always changing because wearing the same 13 shirts over and over again isn't considered fashionable. i dyed my hair even when i told myself that i would never change something that i was born with, something that was coded in my DNA because that would be the same thing as throwing the towel down and admitting that i really never liked who i was born as. but even after everything, i still sit here alone. i still get picked last. they'd rather see you be kind and friendly and outgoing but even if i am all of those things on top of everything that i already am you still wouldn't want me because you never really wanted a person, you wanted a trophy. you wanted a friend who was beautiful and smart and athletic and kind and successful and someone who was so perfect that it almost made you powerful. or maybe you didn't want a damn thing at all. maybe you just loved to see me squirm because you hated me so much that you couldn't bear to see me happy.

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