"Shall we begin?" George asks, glancing down at his meal. Olivia nods, gesturing for us to eat and I hastily pick up my cutlery, already salivating at the pasta dish in front of me. Italian food really is the food sent from Heaven.

"How was school?" Brett asks Alice across the table.

"I got an A in art." She grins, "It's my favorite subject!"

"My friend does art at college in Italy." I input, smiling at her.

"Wow..." She exclaims, her eyes widening in surprise.

"Art is a subject for unintelligent, useless people, who prefer to face a canvas than actual interaction." George scoffs and I bite my tongue, looking back down at my plate as Brett curls one of his hands into a fist.

"Savannah, how is your degree going?" Olivia asks, changing the subject.

"Fine thank you." I reply quickly, unsure of what to say anymore.

"English, yes?"

"Yes." I nod.

"Interesting subject." George nods, his eyebrows furrowed as if in thought.

"Indeed." Olivia agrees, "I loved reading the Fifty Shades trilogy." She chuckles lightly and I nearly choke on my mouthful of pasta, "Have you read it Savannah?" She asks and I notice Brett reddening beside me. This is incredible.

"Mom, I don't think Fifty Shades is on the college reading list." He splutters and I manage to hold back the laughter that is threatening to erupt from my mouth.

"Well I thought it was a great book." She defends, shrugging. George continues eating, clearly not bothered by the topic of conversation. Brett on the other hand... I think he may have a heart attack.

"It is." I agree, Brett's eyes widening as he glances over to me.

"What's Fifty Shades?" Alice pipes up. I immediately look back at my food.

"For grown ups." Olivia whispers back to her.

"I want to be a grown up." She sulks.

"No you don't." I reply, smiling at her, "I preferred being a kid."

"But now your parents don't tell you what to do anymore!" She argues and I unintentionally feel my face fall.

"Alice." Brett warns.

"What?" She asks innocently.

"Savannah's parents passed away." Olivia reminds her quietly.

"They died?" Alice asks, her inquisitive mind taking over. 

"Yes." I confirm, shooting a small smile at the girl.

"How?" She asks, cocking her head to the side.

"Alice!" George exclaims, glaring at his daughter. She slouches down in her seat, a forlorn look on her face as she bites her lip.

"It's okay, really!" I assure her, glancing around at the table, Brett staring at me with concern. I smile at him to show him I'm okay before looking back towards Alice and taking a deep breath. "They were on their way home and a drunk driver crashed into them."

"Oh no!" Olivia exclaims, her eyes wide.

"They caught him?" Brett's Dad asks, interest showing in his features.

"No." I shake my head.

"How do they know he was drunk then?"

"Dad!" Brett warns, glaring towards the end of the table.

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