Tailing a Comet

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"You should ask the real Shiro when the Black Lion returns. He'll be avle to tell you what you should do with this information."

I chuckled, "You always know the right things to say. Thank you White."

"Of course, Zurine. Anything for you, my Princess."

I exited my lion, Luna walking by my side to the medical room.

I stared at the healing pod where the fake Shiro slept and healed. Suddenly, the pod opened, and Shiro fell out.

I decided to play along with this. I rushed over to Shiro and caught him beofre he fell to the floor.

He opened his eyes and turned towards me.

"Zurine? Is that you?" He asked weakly.

"Yeah, it's me." I said, setting him down next to the pod.

He smiled before passing out. Luna helped me carry him to his room, where we waited for the others to return.

Everyone came back a few hours later, I called them over to Shiro's room, but because of his situation and weakened condition, Keith and I were the only ones to come in and ask questions.

"Shiro, what happened to you?" Keith asked.

"I don't know." Shiro answered, "The last thing I remember was Zarkon trying to take over to the Black Lion. It told me to use my bayard. Then, just nothing. I woke up, and I was on a Galra ship."

"Well, you'd just unlocked the Black Lion's ability to teleport." Keith said, "Could it have teleported you? Maybe it was trying to save you."

"By teleporting me into the hands of the Galra?" Shiro asked.

"Shiro is correct, Keith. The Black Lion would not make a move like that." I said.

"Maybe, Zarkon forced it too. Remember, Zurine, Zarkon was trying to take hold of the Black Lion at the same time."

"Yeah, maybe." Shiro said.

Keith sighed, "Well, if you're feeling up to it, the rest of the team would be thrilled to see you up and around again."

"We all need you." I said. Shiro agreed to try. I smiled and sat down next to Shiro.

"I'll stay here and try to heal him a little more. When he's ready, I'll meet you all on the bridge with Shiro." I said.

Keith smiled and nodded, walkign towards the door.

"Hey, Keith?" Shiro said before Keith left. Keith turned around and stared at us, "How many times are you gonna have to save me before this is over?" Shiro asked smiling.

Keith smiled again, "As many times as it takes." Then he walked out.

I sighed and turned back to Shiro, "So, what happened to you, Zurine?" He asked.

I placed my hands on his arm, a soft glow surrounding my hands as I began to heal him. At the same time, my earrings began to emit a soft glow as well.

"The mass amounts of energy I put out due to my powers, completely drained me." I said, "I was put in a coma for a few days to regain what energy I had lost."

"Keith must've been worried sick about you. He really does care about you, doesn't he?"

I nodded, my cheeks turning red, "Yeah. I heard from the others that he barely left my side, only leaving me when he really needed to."

Shiro chuckled, "I never would've thought that Keith would open up to anyone other me. You've really changed him, ya know."

"I guess, but he was like that ever since we've met all those years ago. But enough about that, tell how you feel, physically speaking."

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