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The advantage was ours now, and most of the Chituari were retreating back into the transport ships. I could see from this distance, Thor was busy destroying the ships. With our main problems gone, we had to make sure Vision was okay, and hopefully we still have the time to remove the stone.

"We have to get to Vision." Wanda said helping me up from the dirt.

"Hold on." I said, still holding on to her hand. I took no longer than a second to pinpoint their location, and transported us there.

Vision was on the ground, heavily wounded. Steve standing close by protectively. I took notice of Corvus's body a few feet away from us. Wanda ran to Vision, and I approached Steve.

"Are you okay?" She asked him with a panicked voice.

He winced, his hand flying to the stone. "He's here." He said fearfully.

My eyes widened and I felt my muscles tensing up. Steve and I watched the woods around us with caution. Everything started to fall silent. Nothing other than the sound of the wind picking up. I could see visibly that Steve could tell how frightened I was. If he was here, that meant he had everything he needed.

"Everyone on my position." Steve radioed. "We have incoming."

Finally, I started to hear bits of crackling noise. I held tightly to my sword, and just beyond Bruce, I could see a dark portal forming. A few seconds passed, and he emerged from the smoke. That fear was dialed up a thousand when I saw all five stones in his gauntlet. My breathing hitched and I could feel myself starting to shake.

"Cap...that's him." Bruce confirmed. The smoke disappeared behind him, and he looked at us with a neutral expression.

"Eye's up, stay sharp." Steve said, extending out his shields, slowly walking towards Thanos.

Thanos walked towards us with a slow pace. Like he was almost completely unfazed by us. Bruce, being the closest to him, launched himself at him. He didn't get too far. Thanos simply clasped his fist, and a purple aura surrounded his suit. Bruce didn't touch him, he just floated past him like he wasn't even there. Then, he used the stones to seal Bruce in a large compile of rocks behind him.

I was close behind Steve as we ran towards him, but much like Bruce, we were slowed down substantially by the purple aura. It wrapped itself around us, and threw us back. I felt my back hit a tree, and I could see Steve on the ground near me.

By the time I looked up, Thanos had already taken T'Challa and Sam out of his path. I picked up my sword and moved quickly to Steve's side.

"We can't let him have the stone!" I said in a hurry, trying desperately to help him to his feet.

I turned back to Vision. Wanda had an extremely bright line of her powers connecting her to Vision's stone. "What is she doing?" I questioned.

"Destroying the stone." Steve said, with a mix of sorrow and surprise.

"We have to stall him." I said looking to Thanos.

He had just crushed Rhodey's suit, and I could see Bucky charging towards him, shooting off his gun. Dimitri, and Nat not far behind him.

"No!" I shouted, running to him. But Thanos was quicker, he clenched his fist and Bucky was thrown back a few dozen yards. Dimitri was thrown back as well, but Nat was trapped under large rocks that formed quickly around her.

I lunged at him, but even I should've known better. The stone's slowed my attack, and he grabbed my throat. I could see Steve running close behind me, but he was just thrown back again by Thanos.

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