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It seemed that running a vamp fae farm was a lucrative business, with the vamps transferring millions of dollars into an account set up for the newly named "born again vamps." Sookie had received countless requests to appear on television, from late night chat shows to morning women's programmes, she was in high demand. But with the threat from the faeries still fresh on her mind, Sookie sent Tara and Jess to a few of the offers, to keep the public profile positive.

Jason had been shunned by most. Although the response to Sookie's announcement had been received positively worldwide, Bon Temp was a little behind the fashion and called her a freak, a fairy and whatever other names they could find for her. He sighed whenever they would call her tinkerbell freak at work, she had done nothing but good and still she was being hated, and by association, Jason was being hated too. He had been accepted with Sam at Merlotte's. Sam asked too many questions, that Jason didn't know the answers to. But apart from that, he left Jason alone, apart from some football chat.

With all the talk of his sister being special and important, Jason felt a little left out. When he saw Tara on a ladies' panel show, he was taken aback. She was literally glowing and she was funny and witty, she won all of the ladies over. He looked around at his life, and wondered how much he had and came up with the conclusion of not a lot. Maybe, if he could be a bit more like Sookie, he could make something out of himself.

Jason called Sookie, but her line was busy. So, he gave Tara's number a call.
"This better not be you, you son of a bitch." She answered.
"And hello to you too." He huffed, remembering the last time that they had seen each other and she had thrown a drink in his face.
"Don't hang up, please. I saw you on that girly show." He told her quickly, hoping that she wouldn't just put down the phone.
"So did millions of other people." She replied and he chuckled.
"You've always been a smart one, Tara." He told her and was met with silence.
"What is it you want, Jason Stackhouse?" She asked after a while and he sighed.
"I wanna be one." He said in a small voice.
"A girl?!" She shouted down the phone.
"NO! A vamp fae thing." He told her and heard her laugh down the phone.
"Now that is a conversation for you to have with your sister." She told him and he sighed.
"You and I both know that she is far too busy right now for me." He told her and she huffed.
"Now why the fuck do you want to become one of us?" She asked and he gathered his thoughts for a minute.
"I always wanted to be a vamp, lots of fucking, fast at running, but I couldn't be living at night and shit. But now that you can live in the day, why wouldn't I?" He asked and heard her huff.
"Jason, I don't know." She told him and he cussed under his breath.
"If I give you the address of where we are staying, you can come and ask her yourself, okay?"
"Thank you so much Tara, you're the light of my life."
"Oh fuck off."

Sookie was incredibly nervous for the first meeting with the witches. It would only be the born again vamps in attendance and she knew very little about witchcraft. It was early when they arrived, an hour after sunrise. Sookie was still rubbing the sleep from her eyes as she let her guests in. The cohort consisted of about ten members and they looked exactly as one would suspect. The leader's name was Gwen. She was a middle aged woman, with a long black braid and 100% recycled clothes. She embraced Sookie and sighed happily.
"You feel so much better than a vampire." She cooed and Sookie thanked her a little awkwardly.

They all sat in a circle, on the floor, in the garden, requested by the witches.
"So I understand that you are looking to build a wall?" She asked and Sookie nodded.
"Between the fae and human realm, to protect both us and the faeries." Sookie told them. Gwen nodded and thought for a minute.
"Well, that won't be too much of a problem, apart from the in betweens." She told Sookie.
"What are inbetweens?" She asked and Gwen explained:
"They are fae who exist between the two realms. For this to work, we must ask them all to make a choice. And fae don't really like making choices in my experience. They like it all." She rolled her eyes and Sookie sighed.
"Is there anything that you would recommend?" She asked and Gwen thought for a moment.
"We could go back to when they first left this plane and seal them all in." She suggested and Sookie shook her head.
"No time travel, absolutely not." She was not even going to entertain that idea.
"Then the wall it is. We will need to contact more witches, it will take a lot of manpower." She told Sookie.
"You are willing to do it?" She asked and Gwen sighed.
"The fae are dangerous and emotional. I am sure if they came here for war, they would kill us all."

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