A Gentle Touch

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Talking with Bill had given Sookie a new lease on life. She wanted find Eric and tell him exactly how she felt. She might lose him in the process. But it was better to lose him than to lose herself.

Part of her felt that she should have brought Jessica or Tara along. But she had to do this alone. The hardest part of all of this was locating Eric. He had so many businesses that he could be at any number of them. But, it was easier to start with Fangtasia and then work from there.

Eric had been hurt from the night before. When he had left, he had a feeling that he and Sookie weren't truly meant for each other and in order to be with her, he would have to give up a side of himself that he wasn't ready to let go of.

He had retreated to his office in Fangtasia and when he walked around his dungeon, he thought of all the things he had done in that moist dark place and sighed. He would never be able to do those things with Sookie. He respected her too much, loved her too much and if last night had been too much then there was no hope for any of this equipment. He turned his back and sighed, wondering if what he had with Sookie was worth giving up that part of himself and if he was honest with himself, he was not sure.

When he returned to his office, he was stopped in his tracks. Nora was sat in his desk chair, feet up on his desk, in nothing but Louboutins. He shuddered when he saw her wicked smile and he knew that this time, he could not resist. With Nora, he could do all of the disgusting depraved things that he would never be able to do with Sookie. He revelled in the moment as he shackled her up and watched her mouth drool as he gagged her. It was disgustingly erotic.

They were a few hours in when the door sounded. Eric heard it, but he was so involved with Nora that he didn't care.

Sookie heard the clambering of chains and sighed. If she knew Eric, and she was pretty sure she did at this point, she was going to walk in on a pretty unsavoury sight. When she descended the stairs, she nodded. Just as she thought, he had Nora chained up, upside down, doing unspeakable things to her. She shuddered and turned away. She didn't slam the door, she didn't let her presence be known. She was not as much upset as she was mortified. He had made a fool of her. She had been convinced that he had changed. But nothing had changed. He was the same old Eric that would continue to fuck over women for the rest of eternity.

She drove home with a country radio station blaring. She texted Jessica to meet her for pie. She wanted to stuff her face and bitch about her life. Jessica smiled when she saw Sookie, looking like old Sookie. They sat down and Sookie chuckled.
"I'm a fucking idiot." She told her and Jessica furrowed her eyebrows.
"No, you're not." She shook her head and Sookie laughed.
"I really thought Eric Northman was going to be faithful with me?" She sighed and shook her head, sticking her fork into her first of many pieces of pie.

Jessica couldn't believe her story.
"He was doing what?" She asked, wondering how someone even survives that much blood to the brain.
"I don't want anything to do with any of that. So I'm glad that I saw it. That is what he really wants." She told her and Jessica was so shocked, she placed her hand over her mouth.
"If Hoyt even suggested that-"
"He wouldn't, because Hoyt is a good man." Sookie told her and Jessica nodded, sure that she was right.
"What will you do now?" She asked and Sookie thought for a minute.
"I'm going to have another piece of pie and then I'm going to go home and sleep until I feel better." She told her and Jessica thought that was a good plan. Sookie was such a good person and she deserved to be treated with respect. But it seemed that time and time again she was being screwed over.

Sookie finished four pieces of pie. She felt full and comforted. She drove home, with Jessica. They decided it was best for Jessica to move out of the hotel and back in with Sookie.
"What about Tara?" Jessica asked and Sookie thought for a moment.
"She will want to go off and live her own life. I don't blame her." She told her and Jessica nodded, knowing that Bon Temp was no longer a home for Tara.

Jessica snuggled up in her cubby hole and decided that she had somewhat missed it. As the sun set, she fell into a deep slumber, needing a nap after the happenings of the day.

Sookie, on the other hand, was wide awake. She felt betrayed by Eric. But more-so, she felt stupid. She sighed, running her hand over the side of the bed where he slept and decided that she would get a new bed.

She hadn't planned it, but once she was walking, Sookie knew where she was heading. She banged on Bill's door, needing to feel something other than betrayal for a moment.

Bill was shocked when he opened the door to Sookie. He was more shocked still when she grabbed his shirt and pulled his lips to hers. He hadn't kissed her in so long that the feeling of her against him was so sweet. He grabbed her up and pulled her legs around his waist, striding into the living room.

Sookie was glad that he had reciprocated. She wouldn't have known what to do if he had pushed her away. She revelled in his little grunts and moans as he sat her on top of him on the couch. She laced her fingers into his hair and smelt the dry musky scent that somehow felt like home.
"Sookie-" He started, but just the way that he said her name was enough for her. She pulled off his shirt and pressed his chest against hers. She knew it was wrong, she knew she would regret it in the morning. But she had to let off some steam, release some of the anger she felt towards Eric.

Nora looked back when Eric went still. They hadn't stopped for hours, so she knew something had to be wrong. Eric had felt it like a punch in the gut. Sookie was with someone else. He could feel it in his blood, her blood. He didn't say anything to Nora, he just ran out of the bar and straight into his car.

Sookie just wanted to sit on the sofa and kiss Bill all night. She wanted to feel his soft hands caress her back, his tender lips whisper against her throat. It felt so intimate, so gentle compared to what Eric had done to her, and what she had seen him doing to Nora.

The door slammed open and Sookie turned to see who was interrupting them.
"What the fuck are you doing?" A naked Eric stood in the doorway. Sookie sighed and shook her head.
"What are you doing here, Eric?" She asked him, still sat on top of Bill.
"You really have to ask me that?" He seethed, his chest heaving with rage.
"You should go back to Nora." She told him and he felt it like a punch in the gut.

Bill had no idea what to make of any of this. He was confused from their conversation, confused as to why Eric was naked, aroused because Sookie was still pushing down on his groin. It was a lot of emotions to comprehend in one moment. He shook his head and looked over Sookie's shoulder.
"What's going on here Eric?" He asked, letting out a deep breath.
"Why don't you tell me?" He cried out, obviously angry.
"Just leave, okay? I will speak to you when I can look at you again." She turned her back away from him and Bill felt his ego inflate a little.

Sookie heard the door slam behind her. She shook her head, then rested it in Bill's shoulder. She felt awful, even if he had been the first to cheat with Nora, seeing Eric so angry upset her.

She climbed off of Bill and sat beside him.
"I don't know what to do." She told him and he nodded.
"It seems your life is a little complicated right now." He told her and she let her head fall back onto the couch.
"Maybe I need to be alone." She thought aloud and he nodded.
"I think you might be right." It took everything he had to resist her, to not pounce on her where she sat. But he walked her to the door and looked down at her with fondness in his gaze.
"I am always here, if you need me."

Sookie wished Bill a goodbye and wondered if maybe giving him bluebells was somewhat of a payback, in some small way. She trudged back over to her house, wanting to get some sleep. But when she saw a naked Eric sat on her porch, she let out an audible groan.
"Hello to you too." He sighed and she walked past him into the house. He could feel the exhaustion from her mind. He watched as she walked into the bedroom and slumped down on the bed, still fully dressed. When she was this tired, it was easy to read her mind. He could see that she regretted going to Bill. But she craved the soft, intimate touch that he gave her.

Eric felt saddened when he realised that he had not been giving Sookie what she wanted nor needed. He had been so busy worrying about his own wants and desires that he had looked past hers. She wanted to be caressed and wooed. He had focused so intensely on what he would have to give up to be with her, that he had forgotten all that he gained from being in her presence.

Sookie sighed when she felt Eric leave. She hoped he would let her have some peace for a short while, to let her mind be free of all men. But, it seemed Eric had other ideas, as he slumped down on the couch, ready to sleep there until he could figure out what to do to make them both happy.

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