Closing the Portal

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Sookie wanted the business over with the faeries as soon as possible. She had given the Master the time that he had asked for and hoped that all of the in-betweens had made their decision and chosen a side. If not, it was too late now.

She still felt an emptiness when she thought about the only portal to her race being closed forever. She was sure she had no desire to see her people again. But when she thought about how peaceful Warlow seemed, being back with his people, she wondered if she had made the wrong choice.

The feeling of regret never seemed to stick and Sookie was invited to the witch circle to close the portal.
"This is the oldest portal we know of, it will be sad to see it go." Gwen sighed, tying her hair back into a long straight ponytail.

Sookie had brought only Jessica along, not wanting to be bombarded with people. She was grateful that the vamps, born again vamps and wolves trusted her enough to do this, to squash the threat. But, Sookie was sure that she was there only as a symbol of vampire and faerie support. That was until she was called forward.

Gwen took Sookie's hand and looked down at the forest floor.
"Sookie, I'm sorry but we need some of your blood." She told her and Sookie sighed and nodded.
"It's just, you are the only one who can open the portal now." She told her.
"So, after this, can I still open the portal?" She asked, surprising herself with the question.
"No. Once the connection is gone, it's gone."

It was worrying how comfortably Sookie carved the knife into her hand. She watched as the blood dripped down onto the stone and sighed, seeing the portal open. No one else could see it, it seemed, as they all sat and waited. But Sookie looked in and saw Warlow, dressed in the cream tunic, hands shackled, but smiling wide. He looked over to her and nodded, confirming that he had made the right decision.
"Do it, the portal is open." She told Gwen and they all took each other's hands and began chanting as Sookie stood away from the group.
"What do you think we will do after this?" Jessica whispered, trying to distract Sookie from the ceremony.
"I think we make some money." She smiled in a way that shocked and excited Jessica.
"You have lived in the shadows for so long, we should have a little fun." She smiled over and Jessica grinned, until she saw it, the light leave Sookie's eyes for the briefest of moments.

Sookie felt as if her soul had been ripped from her body. The chanting became yelling and then, suddenly, she felt her essence flow back through her and doubled over, having never felt anything like it before.

Gwen rushed over after it was all done.
"It is done." She told Sookie.
"I am glad we were able to do it. Sookie, they tried to steal your soul into their world." She told her and Sookie sighed.
"They didn't want to let me go." She chuckled, shaking her head.
"You seem very calm." Gwen commented and she sighed and shrugged her shoulders.
"They can't hurt me anymore." And Gwen agreed that it was a job well done.

They exchanged money and went their separate ways. Sookie was unsure if she liked the witches. But she did like how efficiently they worked. When she returned to the hotel, she was greeted by everyone waiting with baited breath.
"So?" Pam asked and Sookie told them that the portal was closed and that the faeries were gone.

It seemed that everyone wanted to celebrate. They were safe and the born again vamps wanted to party. Sookie was unsure, until Eric showed her the dress and heels he had bought her for the occasion and she decided that maybe it was time to let off a little steam.

It had been a long time since Sookie had seen Eric so smart. He wore his classic white shirt, top four buttons undone, with a perfectly fitted suit. His hair was slicked and Sookie found it hard not to stare.

She had learnt a while ago not to complain about Eric's choices. So she wiggled into the cobalt blue dress and sighed when she turned around and found it seriously lacking in the length department. It wasn't tight over her behind, she was glad to see. But the low plunge more than made up for it. It was a sweet cocktail dress, which made her feel feminine and pretty, which she had not felt in a long while.

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