Vamp in the Sun

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Sookie laid in bed and wondered what was going to happen to Eric. He had been out running for hours and she worried what effect the fae-vamp blood would have on him. As she felt herself dozing off, she heard the door open. She sighed and got out of bed, wondering if it would be Eric, Bill or Warlow. She couldn't decide which would make her more angry. When she saw Eric, stood naked, in her living room, she sighed.
"Sookie, how are you living with this nectar pumping through your body?" He asked, eyes wide. She shook her head and gave him a blanket.
"Cover yourself, while I find you something to wear." She told him, shaking her head.

She found him one of Jason's old hoodies and a pair of sweatpants.
"I'm going back to bed, Eric." She told him and he nodded.
"I should sleep too, as I'm going to be up during the day." He told her and Sookie couldn't help smiling, seeing the giddy, excited look on his face.
"Well, alright then. You can sleep in here, if you want?" Eric cocked an eyebrow.
"What other option do I have?" He asked and she huffed.
"You can sleep on the floor, if you want?" She asked and he chuckled, shaking his head, guessing he had tried his luck.

Sookie went back to bed and wondered how life had become so strange. Eric wouldn't be able to coop up with her forever and protect her from Warlow. She was going to be alone and vulnerable at some point in time. She had to find more answers.

It was still dark out when Sookie snuck out of the house. She had to go to the Doctor that had helped her with her Maenad poison, Dr Ludwig. She hopped in her car and drove out to Fangtasia, a wad of cash in her car, that she had been given by Eric for a job she had done for him.

Pam was confused when Sookie turned up, asking where she could find Dr Ludwig.
"I need answers." She told her and Pam sighed.
"Don't you always?" She asked, giggling, before handing her the address and leaving her alone. Pam knew what to leave alone, and Sookie was most definitely one of those things.

Sookie drove out into the middle of nowhere, where she found the small, rickety house.
"Now, what are you doing here?!" The doctor shouted over the wind.
"I need some advice!" She called out and Dr Ludwig invited her in.

The house was small and quaint, with little trinkets hung here and there. Ludwig brewed a mug of tea, surprisingly hospitable, compared to her usual grumpy self.
"I have been waiting for you." She smiled up and Sookie and she wondered how Dr Ludwig had known about her.
"When something like you is created, the earth trembles, and I felt it." She told her and Sookie felt the blood drain from her face.
"You want to know how to deal with the old one, don't you?" She asked and Sookie nodded.
"There is something that Warlow doesn't know. Something that my family, that generations back were fae, kept secret." Sookie pulled out her wad of cash.
"Save that for later child." She shook her head and motioned for her to come in closer.
"You can turn vampires." She whispered and Sookie was unsure what she meant.
"What do you mean?" She asked and Ludwig laughed.
"You can make them Fae hybrids." She told her.
"So why hasn't Warlow done it?" She asked, wondering if the doctor was lying to her.
"Because he doesn't know how." She told her and Sookie wondered if it was possible to turn a vampire fae.
"How do you do it?" She asked and Ludwig smiled.
"It is all in the blood." She told her and Sookie leant in.
"You must replace their blood with yours. Cut their supply of human blood, and feed them only fae blood. Their body will change, they will become hybrids." She told her.
"So they could travel into the fae realm?" She asked and Ludwig sat back.
"That is why you must never turn a vampire you do not trust. Which might mean you can never turn a vamp." She shrugged her shoulders.

Sookie was shocked. She had never considered being able to turn a vamp into a fae.
"How would this help against Warlow?" She asked.
"At the moment, you are the only two creatures of your kind. But, if you turn a vamp fae, well then, there won't be two of you will there?" She smiled and Sookie wondered if it would work, if turning a vampire fae would cause Warlow to at least stop fixating on their romantic relationship.
"How will I know when they are turned?" She asked and Ludwig sat back and chuckled.
"You will know. The ground will shake as it did with you." She told her and Sookie left her the whole stack.

Eric panicked when he awoke. Firstly, it was the first time he had been awake in the sunlight for a thousand years, and secondly, he could feel that Sookie wasn't in the house. He checked outside, her care was gone. He began to panic. Had he already failed? Had he slept through Sookie's abduction? He began to sweat, then he panicked that he was sweating.

Whilst Eric was in this panicking mess, Sookie pulled up. Eric rushed out of the house.
"Where did you go?" He asked, taking her hand and dragging her into the house.
"I went to someone who actually helped."

Sookie and Eric sat in the kitchen. Light poured in from the window, and Eric thought he might cry.
"How does it feel?" Sookie asked, while frying up some bacon.
"I have not been this happy in a thousand years." He told her and she had to stop then, wondering how sad the life of a vampire could be.

She sat down and raised an eyebrow as Eric was sniffing around her bacon.
"You wanna try some?" She asked and he wondered if he should. He was not Sookie, he only had some of her blood. But he couldn't help laying the bacon on his tongue and chewing it, feeling the flavours burst in his mouth.

Sookie was shocked that he was so quiet, but this must have all been so new for him. She couldn't imagine the emotions that he was feeling.
"Eric, what if I told you I could turn you?" She asked him and he leant forward.
"Turn me fae? I've never heard of it." He told her.
"I can do it, or at least try it, if you let me. That is, if you want it?" She asked and he sat back and wondered what his life would be like if he could walk in the sun and eat food.
"It sounds too good to be true." He told her, sceptical of the idea.
"Well, the thing is, it would stop Warlow from having his dream of us being together. If there is another male fae vampire, then we are not the only two." She told him and Eric nodded along.
"Does that mean I would be able to be with you?" He asked and she sighed.
"I don't know Eric." She told him and he sat back and wondered.
"Every vampire I know would want this. How easy is it?" He asked and Sookie explained the process.
"That doesn't sound too bad. Why don't you try me first, and then we could maybe turn Jessica and Pam, if she wants it. If you have a circle of vampires who can be with you during the day, then you are far safer." Sookie had never considered this. But it wasn't a bad idea.

It wasn't a quick process. Sookie would give Eric three glasses of blood a day. He had put Pam in charge of the club, knowing that he would drink human blood if he went there, and they would be at square one again.

He felt wonderful. He asked Sookie to drive him to her favourite places, that were open during the day. They went to a pie shop, where Eric tried his first bite of pie, and found he very much enjoyed it. They went to the local garden centre and Eric helped Sookie pick out flowers and plant them in her garden. As his back was facing the sun, feeling the heat, he thought he might cry, knowing that he would be able to live this way soon.

Sookie watched him as she dragged him around to all of her favourite places. She worried that people would recognise him. But in some of Jason's jeans and a plaid shirt, he didn't look much like Eric at all.

She watched him as he was on his knees, planting her flowers. It was selfless, the most selfless thing she had ever seen him do. She wondered if maybe being with him was better than being with Warlow, and decided that it definitely was.

They sat after dinner, where Sookie had steak and chips, with a bottle of true blood, and Eric had one of her chips and a glass of fae blood, and watched a movie. It was some cheesy rom com that Sookie had seen before, but Eric found it oddly fascinating.

Sookie was getting tired. In a brave move, she laid her head on Eric's lap and closed her eyes. Eric gasped a little when he felt Sookie's head on his lap. But he welcomed it, as if it was normal, and stroked her hair, as she fell asleep.

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