I Want You

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Pam was not best pleased with the knowledge that she would either be sleeping on the floor, or in the bed in the cubby with Jessica. She opted to nussle in with Jessica the first night, much to the vampire's resentment. Jessica didn't mind Pam, but she didn't want to be her little spoon.

This found Eric and Sookie heading to Fangtasia to pick up Pam's bed. Eric had been sleeping in Sookie's bed since he was turned, a fact that no one liked to point out. He had been a gentleman, as much of a gentleman as Eric could ever be and Sookie was impressed, but also a little insulted.

Eric had never seen this side of Sookie before, little denim shorts, ponytail bouncing, skin glowing from the sun. He felt mesmerised by her. He took her to a milkshake place near Fangtasia, wanting to take her on dates he had never been able to before.

Sookie shuddered as Eric glamoured the waitress, who recognised him. Sookie wondered where she had recognised him from and shivered.
"You're stressed." He noticed as he watched her sip on a peanut butter shake, staring down at his red velvet milkshake.
"He is still out there, waiting for me to change my mind, to join his side." She told him.
"Do you think he will come back? To see me?" He asked and Sookie nodded.
"Oh, definitely. He will have felt you being created and will no doubt be back." Eric shuddered at the thought of Warlow returning.
"I don't know what his reaction will be." She told him and he shrugged.
"Worst comes to worst, we have three vampires and two vamp faes. I think we'll be fine." He told her and she looked up confused.
"Three?" She asked and Eric chuckled, swallowing his milkshake.
"Bill might be pathetic, but I am sure that he would come to your rescue if he knew you were in trouble." Sookie nodded, guessing he was right.

They sat there for another hour and Sookie stayed silent. She wondered why Eric was not being like normal Eric. He wasn't being sexual, he was sleeping in a bed with her every night but never made a move. She felt ugly. Even though she tried not to, she did.

Eric noticed a shift in Sookie as she sat and slurped on her shake. He tried to read her mind, but she had built a solid wall around her thoughts. As they walked out to her car, he grabbed her hand and stopped her.
"Tell me what is wrong." He insisted and she huffed and pulled her hand out of his.
"Sookie." He called out to her as she huffed off. He smirked then, deciding to go full vamp Eric.

Sookie cried out as Eric threw her over his shoulder and ran her back to Fangtasia. He sat her down in a chair and found some rope and tied it around her before she could think. He crouched down in front of her then and looked her in the eye.
"You're going to tell me what your problem is." He told her and she huffed, wanting to be stubborn. He sat back on his desk and smiled down at her.
"I have all day." He told her.

Sookie sat in the chair in silence. She couldn't imagine anything more embarrassing than having to admit not feeling wanted by Eric, it was mortifying. So, she sat and said nothing, as he read through paperwork and made notes.

Eric felt a little sleepy as the day crawled on. Sookie had warned him of this, that he would feel sleepy a couple of hours before sunset. He continued reading his notes on policy, until an image of him, bending Sookie over his desk filled his mind. His head snapped up and he saw Sookie sleeping, it was the only time when her thoughts were unguarded. She wanted him, finally after all this time he could confirm that she wanted him. He smiled, having this knowledge and keeping it tucked away firmly in his mind.

Sookie was shocked to feel Eric untying her.
"We're leaving?" She asked and he nodded.
"We need to get back for Pam and Jessica." He told her and she nodded.
"What about my car?" She asked and he shook his head.
"I will ask Ginger to bring it over tomorrow. We don't have time tonight." He told her and she sighed and he shot her a warning glance.

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