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It didn't take long for the wolves to find them. Sookie sighed when she heard the motorbikes pulling up.
"I guess it's time." She told Eric and he nodded, going to answer the door.

Eric smiled up at the two large gentlemen.
"Hi there, how can I help you?" He asked and they both growled a little.
"You gonna explain how your awake in the sun, Northman?" The taller man asked and Eric sighed, turning to the side.
"Come in."

Sookie recognised Alcide from when he had helped her with some wolf business in the past.
"Sookie?" He sighed, knowing that Sookie was going to be involved in one way or another.

They all sat at the table and the leader of the pack, Alcide's Father asked what the hell was going on. Sookie explained about being part fae and being turned vamp.
"You could walk in the sun?" Alcide asked and she nodded.
"It was the strangest sensation. I should have been burnt to a crisp, but I felt just fine." She told him and he nodded, a little confused.
"I am still not sure what we are, whether we are more vampire, or more fae. But, what I can tell you is that we are far more under control as fae. It is as if the thirst for human blood has gone because we run on fae blood." She told them and they nodded.
"So why are you hiding out here?" Mr Hervaux asked.
"We are not safe. I have pretty much created a new breed of vamp that can walk in the sun and who knows how humans, or vamps will respond." Sookie shrugged her shoulders, sighing, wishing she could predict what was going to happen.

Eric felt the stress leave his body as he felt the rage leave the wolves. They seemed more curious than anything.
"So you fairies ain't gonna go on any killing sprees?" He asked and Sookie shook her head.
"No sir. We just want to be able to go about our normal lives." She told him and he nodded.
"I understand that."
"But, we have a war coming. Either the vamps will drain us of our blood, or they will kill us for what we are." Sookie admitted and Eric sighed, shaking his head.
"Well, alright then. Whilst you are in our territory, you have our support and protection. I don't know what you are, but it seems that you have taken the evil out of Northman, which I never thought I would say." He chuckled as Eric ground his teeth together.
"And I support this change. Anything that will make humans more safe and less afraid of us, is a good thing in my eyes."

Sookie showed the men out and Alcide pulled her in for a hug.
"You should come to one of our cookout''s Sook. There won't be a vamp for miles." He told her and she chuckled, nodding.
"I'll see what i can do. You have a safe journey now." She told them as they mounted their bikes and drove off.

Eric was relieved that the wolves were protective of them, but he still didn't like Alcide. He didn't like how Sookie looked at him and he didn't like the thoughts he had about her. But he knew he had to get over it. Now was not the time to be jealous.

Jessica couldn't believe that she had just been given the sun back and now it was being taken away again, to be locked in a hotel. She wanted to see Hoyt, she wanted to see her family and tell them that she wasn't a vamp anymore. Maybe they would accept her now. Maybe she could visit them and have dinner. It all seemed too good to be true. But she couldn't do anything whilst she was stuck in Eric's hotel.

She let Bill feed off of her from the wrist, in hopes he would turn quicker. She hated watching her blood fill the glass and she pushed Bill off when he got too keen. She could see him changing, he would ask her how it felt, to be a fae, and she would respond that she felt more in control, and lighter, less groggy. He kept it secret, but Bill couldn't wait to be fae. He hadn't seen the sun in hundreds of years and he longed to feel the warmth on his face.

Jessica didn't forget about her family. She sat down with Sookie after dinner one evening.
"Sookie, once Bill is turned, could you do me a favour?" She asked and Sookie asked what she wanted.
"I want to see my family, just once. I will glamour them to make sure they never tell anyone. I just can't end up like Bill, with my whole family being dead and them never knowing about me. They think I'm a monster." Sookie thought about it for a moment. If they were quick and Jessica glamoured them after, she couldn't see too much harm in it.
"I'll think about it. But I already helped you a lot with Hoyt, remember?" Jessica nodded, remembering all that Sookie had done for her.

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