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Sookie's first night was rather uneventful, compared to her expectations. Eric sat with her on the sofa and asked her how she felt, how she had felt in the sun. He asked a lot of questions about the sun.
"I just feel a little sensitive, like I should wear sunscreen." She replied and he looked up at her like a new toy on christmas day.
"I have never heard of it. You're like a kind of hybrid. You can pass as both human and vampire." He told her and she shrugged.
"Maybe it is the fae side of me, counteracting the vampire side." She suggested and he nodded.
"Yes, most likely." He told her and she wondered what else there was to talk about.

Eric could not believe it, he had never seen anything quite like vampire fae Sookie. She didn't smell like a vampire, she smelt like normal Sookie. It was unbelievable.
"So, you managed to drive home, alone, without attacking anyone?" He asked and she nodded."
I stopped for food, but it was a burger, not murder." She told him and he chuckled.
"I wonder if I'll be immortal." She pondered and Eric tilted his head to the side.
"Do you want to be?" He asked, knowing that she had never really wanted immortal life.
"I didn't want anything of this, Eric." She told him and sighed.

Eric watched as Sookie's lower lip quivered. He had never seen her cry, he realised in that moment. But, she got up and headed to the bathroom before he could see her tears fall. He wondered to himself if they were blood, or still water. She was so fascinating and confusing. But, he knew that if word got out that she existed, every vampire would be booking a ticket to Bon Temp to conduct all sorts of tests on her.

Sookie stood in the bathroom and wiped away her tears. Tissue after tissue became saturated with blood, and she wondered how she had so much blood left in her. When she cried, she got angry, and she could feel her anger building. Part of her wished that she had died. But, she told that part of herself to promptly shut its mouth and then took a deep breath.

Eric had been thinking whilst Sookie was gone.
"I don't think you should go back to work." He told her and she sighed.
"Eric, this is an awful thing that happened to me. But, I will not let it define me. I will go back to my normal life." She told him and he could see that she didn't quite believe it.
"I don't think you should be living here alone." He told her and she laughed.
"Eric, I lived her when a serial killer was after me. I think I will be fine." She chuckled, but Eric wasn't laughing.
"Knowing Bill, he has gone to someone to ask for advice, which means others might already know about you. I think you should have a vampire here, if you're thinking of keeping your usual human schedule." He told her and she rolled her eyes.
"You're not moving in, Eric." She told him and he shook his head.
"I don't mean me." He said and Sookie felt a little offended that he didn't make a remark, like he usually would.
"Ah, my allure has worn off now that I am some weird hybrid." She chuckled and shook her head, maybe then vampires would leave her alone. She thought she might rather like that. Eric looked up at her and shook his head.
"Oh no, if anything you are more appealing now, and I will make my move later. But for now, we need to find a way to keep you safe." He told her and she rolled her eyes.

Jessica was surprised to open the door to Eric and Sookie.
"Why hello there. I didn't expect to see you, Sookie. Is Bill with you?" She asked and Sookie sighed and looked to the ground.
"Your maker has been very bad, Jessica." Eric told her, giving her a mischievous grin.

Jessica couldn't believe what she had heard.
"The bastard! Exactly what he did to me!" She shook her head.
"Maybe it is his fetish, to turn people against their will?" She asked and Sookie had to laugh at that.
"Jessica, Sookie is going to go about her normal life, until she figures out her new existence." He told her and she furrowed her eyebrows.
"But how?" She asked.
"I can walk in the sun." Sookie told her and Jessica had the intense desire to sulk, out of jealousy.
"Well that just isn't fair." She sighed, crossing her arms over her chest.
"I want you to go and stay with Sookie, for the time being, to take the role of maker while Bill is absent." He told her and Jessica nodded.
"Of course. If you will have me, Sookie?" She asked. Jessica thought it would be rather nice to live with another girl, after living on her own for so long, with only Hoyt to keep her company.

Sookie sat back and looked to Eric. She really didn't have a choice in this. But when she looked at Jessica, she was young and vibrant and better at the whole being a vampire thing than Sookie was sure she was ever going to be. She thought it might be nice to have another girl in the house, especially a girl that could kill any intruders.
"I think it would be nice. I guess we were both wronged by Bill." She smiled, trying to be enthusiastic and Jessica beamed.
"I guess we're kind of like sisters." Sookie didn't like this thought at all, and stood to leave.
"I'll leave a key in the boot on the porch, you can move your stuff into the cubby whenever." She told her and Jessica understood that this was an upsetting time for her.
"Of course, Sookie, thank you for having me." She smiled and Sookie half grinned, before turning to leave.

They walked back from Bill's in silence.
"I just want to help you." Sookie heard and turned.
"That is sweet of you, but I really just want to get back to my life." She replied and Eric stood with wide eyes.
"Sookie, I didn't say anything." He told her and she sighed.
"No no no, this is not happening." She shook her head.
"This is not good." He told her, striding on ahead of her. Sookie was glad that it was not a stream of consciousness, like with humans, but she could hear selective thoughts from Eric and she hated it. She had always loved vampires because she couldn't hear their thoughts. Now, it seemed that she could hear them too.

She tried to block it out, but she was feeling hungry again, so her guard was down.
"You need to come and live with me, I need to protect you."
"Protect me from who?" Sookie cried out, getting more anxious by the minute.
"Sookie, please stop reading my thoughts." He growled at her, his hand over his face.
"That is easy for you to say!" She screamed at him.
"I am hungry, and I don't even know what I'm hungry for. And I'm tired and I don't know why. I just want to sleep for days and drink a hundred bottles of True Blood and don't even tell me that I need to feed, because you won't convince me to do it." She told him and he sighed. He took her hand and pulled her back into the house.

He sat her down on the couch and looked down at his own wrist.
"I won't make you feed, Sookie. But you need some fresh blood in you from somewhere." He told her and before she could protest, he bit down on his wrist and placed his arm against her lips. At first she fought it, but his blood tasted like the sweet nectar of life and she felt her fangs pop out and bite down.

Eric never let anyone feed on him, but Sookie was just different, she always had been. He felt his blood flow into her and with it came the strangest sensation. It was as if he felt his blood changing. He wondered if it was being turned into a vampire fae hybrid, but he didn't know enough about faeries to answer that question.

Bill watched from outside the window. He cursed himself. It should have been him that Sookie was feeding off of. Her first feed should have been with her master. But now Eric would always have that bond with her. He felt a rage bubble under his skin, but it felt like a rage that he was not entitled to feel, after what he had done, and this was confirmed when, out of nowhere, Jessica slapped him clean in the face.
"You asshole." She spat at him. So, she knew.
"What are you doing with those bags?" He asked, looking down at the bags shoved under each of her arms.
"I am bunking with Sookie. Someone has to support her in this. She doesn't want you here, Bill." She told him and it pained him to admit that she was probably right. He took the short walk back to his home, which felt far longer than usual, and wondered what he had done wrong for both of his children to be living together, hating him in the same house.

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