War is Coming

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Pam had not minded taking over the bar. Her daily duties had not changed so much. She would oversee the bar, ensure everything was stocked and that everything ran smoothly. But, recently she had been feeling a sense of fatigue whenever she worked a shift late into the night.

Despite what she had originally anticipated, she rather liked living in the sun. She could go shopping and get her nails done and go and watch a trashy movie that she would never admit to anyone that she liked, it was all so different from awaking at sunset and spending all of her time at the bar.

Things had become slightly more complicated since her transition, as she had to beat off normy vampires with a baseball bat as they approached her, telling her how good she smelt and how much they wanted to drain her.

She would give the main duties up to someone she trusted soon enough, and take the back seat as an investor and nothing more. But, until then, she would do her job and try not to kill anyone in the process.

Sookie had done just as she had hoped: laid up on the couch and read her trashy book all afternoon. Eric had been pacing about out on the porch, making numerous phone calls. She was sure he was dealing with sherriff business, whatever that was.

Every now and then, the man she envisioned from the book would suddenly be blonde-haired and blue-eyed and look an awful lot like Eric. She knew it was him in her mind, playing little games with her. She sighed and shook her head, before doubling down and focusing on her the words and characters.

Eric had arranged everything, the Sheriffs from the surrounding areas would come for a meeting, where they would discuss the ongoing relationship between the original vampires and the born-again. He was both pleased and disappointed that many of his colleagues had similar concerns regarding the threat. He wanted things to be simple, but it seemed that simple was still out of reach.

This became all the more true when he saw Pam, bloody and limping, emerge from the trees. He was with her immediately, demanding to know what happened.
"Get me inside and give me a glass of blood, god dammit." She demanded and he nodded.

A moment later, he slammed the glass down and told her to drink.
"Tell me what happened." He reiterated and Sookie passed her over a wet cloth that soon became red with blood as she wiped her injury.
"The fucking night walkers attacked Fangtasia." She spat out, slumping back in her chair. Eric furrowed his brows, this was exactly the kind of behaviour that he was nervous about.
"Is the bar safe?" He asked and she nodded.
"I left it with the boys." She told him and he knew that those guys could be trusted with the establishment.
"They came with knives and bats, no guns." He told him and Eric wondered why they would attack with such archaic weapons.

Sookie huffed in her mind. One day of peace, that is all she had wanted. But, it seemed that peace was not on her agenda for the upcoming future.
"They wanted to send a message. Fangtasia is a vampire bar and we are not vampires." Pam stated as simply as possible and Eric considered that she could be correct. Perhaps calling themselves born-again vampires was not the correct way forward. Maybe they neeeded a completely different name, something to seperate them from the vampires. But with that came a seperation of culture, a seperation of communities, it was all very complicated.

Pam slept with Jessica down in the bunker, as they had when they had first transitioned.
"I want Pam to stay here until we sort this out." Eric told Sookie, as they sat opposite one another on the couch.
"Do I have any choice in this?" She asked and he looked at her with an expression between dissapointment and sympathy.
"We are most protected if we are together." He explained and she had nothing to say in response. She just pulled her knees up to her chest and nodded.

Eric felt rotten placing all of this pressure under Sookie's roof. He knew what she wanted, if he was honest with himself, she wanted to be alone from everyone and anyone for a while and could he blame her?

First, she had become vampire against her will, and then learnt that she was in fact not vampire at all. Then, she was forced to start this new race and potentially now had to lead a civil war against their kinds. Not to mention that amongst all of that she had their fucked up relationship to process.

Sookie felt it, the weight of his guilt on his mind.
"I know it's not your fault. I'm just tired of constantly having someone to fight." She told him and he considered how long they had known each other and that entire time they had acquired one enemy or another. It seemed as if their lives were a rather unlucky cycle.

He wanted to give her the peace she so sought for. He wanted her to be happy. He just had no idea how to give it to her.
"I guess we just carry on." She shrugged her shoulders and he wanted to pull her into a tight embrace. But instead, he placed his hand over hers, rested atop her knee and sent her an encouraging smile.

She looked at him and felt a gnawing rage towards herself. She was going to forgive him and probably sooner than she would like. Was it because he was Eric Northman? Perhaps. Was it because they held a bond that she had with no other? Perhaps. But moreso, she was tired of fighting the world, of constantly pushing against all that felt right. She sighed and took his hand in hers.
"I'm tired." She admitted and he nodded, things were only going to get harder from here on out. War was coming and it was not going to be easy.
"Whatever you need, whatever you want, I will move heaven and earth to make sure you have it." He told her and she sighed, nodding.
"I hope you mean that." She told him in a quiet voice and he felt his heart break every so slightly.

They shared the bed that night and all that Eric could think of was his human life. He had taken a wife, but he had never followed the tradition of having her name tattooed over his chest. It was the sign of undying fielty, a symbol of everlasting love. As he looked over at Sookie, her hair alight in the moonlight, he wanted her to feel that security, that passion that he held so close to his heart. He decided that the next morning, he would begin looking for some traditional artists to get the job done.

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