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Sookie quit her job at Merlotte's. It wasn't safe for her to work there anymore.
"I'm sorry Sam. I am just going through a tricky time at the moment." She told him.
"You would tell me if you were in trouble, wouldn't you, Sookie?" He asked and she smiled and placed a hand on his shoulder.
"I just have no time at the moment." She told him and he nodded and let her go.

Sookie had never wanted to leave her house. She loved what it represented, and the memories she had there. But, now that they were turning more vampires fae, they needed a safe and secure place to stay.
"We won't become a nest, will we?" Sookie asked and Eric shook his head,
"I'll make sure we don't."

Eric owned a hotel a little ways out of town, and he had enough rooms spare for all of the vampires to stay in.
"I don't want to leave." Sookie told him as they packed away her clothes.
"I know. But, it's not safe for you here. They know where you live, they know where to come and find you." She sighed and shook her head.

Sookie invited Jason over, to give him an update.
"It's not that we're in trouble. It's just we're different and different people aren't always safe around here." She told him. He sighed and shook his head, chuckling a little.
"Sookie, trouble follows you everywhere." He told her and she sighed, guessing he was right. They embraced and then climbed into Eric's porsche, and Jason watched them drive away.

Eric stared straight at the road as he drove.
"Maybe we should move to Paris for a year or so." He thought aloud.
"No Eric. I don't want to move out of this state, let alone out of the country." She told him and he huffed.
"You can go if you want. Maybe we should all spread out, so they can't find us all." She told him and Eric squinted his eyes ever so slightly.
"Is this what you want?" He asked and Sookie shook her head.
"I honestly don't know anymore." She told him and Eric remained silent the rest of the journey.

When they got to the hotel, Eric slammed his car door and left Sookie to crawl out of the low car. She could feel his rage and anger radiating off of him and his thoughts were so desperate and nasty that she could barely read them. She wished she could spend a little time away from vamps and faes. She wanted to be around humans again. She wanted to feel just a little normal. So, while Eric was sorting out the rooms, she told him she was going to buy some supplies. He nodded and grumbled something and she shook her head, wishing he would not be so stubborn.

She drove to the nearest bar and sat on the stool.
"That your car out there?" The bartender asked.
"Yeah, why?" She asked, sipping on her beer.
"We don't see a lot of cars like that around here." He told her and he nodded. Sookie could see in his mind that he was planning on stealing it, along with almost every other person in the bar.
"Yeah, you gotta be careful with cars like that. That's why I had the automatic pepper spray put in the handles. You know people really can be evil." She told him, smiling and watched as the image of him stealing the car quickly turned to him being mased as he tried to break in.
"Yeah, some people are just bastards." He told her and she nodded, smiling straight through him.

When she finished her beer, she felt refreshed, taking a little weight off of her shoulders. But then, she sensed it, the wolves. She could spot her face in their minds. So, she hopped off of her stool and left out the back door. She could feel that two of them were stood by the car. So, she sighed and ran back to the hotel.

Eric was enraged when she came back.
"I have some bad news." She told him and his nostrils flared.
"What is it?" He asked her and she shook her head, telling him about the wolves. He sighed.
"It is just a car, I can get another. But they know we're here now." He rubbed his forehead with two fingers.
"What can we do?" She asked and he called over one of the staff.
"We are on high alert. Lock everything." He told them and Sookie shook her head.
"So now we are living in a prison?" She asked and he growled at her.
"What else would you suggest?" He spat at her and she turned and walked away, not wanting to say something she would regret later.

Sookie locked herself in her room and sighed. She wondered how her life had ended up like this. She hated Bill for doing this to her, for tearing her life away. She knew that Eric was doing his best, but she wasn't very keen on his new emotional side. She wished they could go back to the way that it was before they had kissed, before they had slept together, when it was all smart quips and dark flirting.

Eric heard the door lock and he let his head fall into his hands. He knew he would never get this opportunity with Sookie again and with Bill coming to the hotel soon, he knew that they couldn't be fighting. He rested his head on the door and sighed. Truth be told, he didn't know how to keep her safe, or happy for that matter. Her brother was right, trouble followed Sookie everywhere.

Sookie could hear his thoughts through the door. She felt his confusion, his frustration and she could relate. She had brought him into this, just as Bill had brought her, and it would do them no good to be fighting. They had a common enemy and they had to stick together.

She opened the door and looked up at him.
"This is all a bit fucked up, isn't it?" She asked him and watched Eric chuckle and shake his head.
"What are we going to do, Sookie?" He asked, looking down at her. She couldn't think back to a time when Eric Northman didn't have a plan. But now, he seemed truly dumbfounded.
"We will stay here and do our best to come up with a plan. Are the werewolves a threat?" She asked and Eric shrugged his shoulders.
"We really have no way of knowing, until they come to us." He told her and she sighed, sitting back on the bed.
"Then, we greet them and we explain camly what is happening. The worst that could happen is that we have to kill a few wolves. But they might just understand." She told him and he sighed, laying on the bed and pulling her down with him.
"We'll have to just see what happens." She told him and he nodded.

When Bill turned up, he was shocked to see the strict guarding on the hotel.
"The wolves have found us." Eric told Bill and he sighed.
"Jessica will take you to a room and lock you in, so that the wolves cannot get to you while you are turning. Bill wanted to put up a fight, but saw a glint in Eric's eye that warned him not to.

With the house full of vamps, they bolted down the doors and waited.

Bill had never tasted anything like Jessica's vamp fae blood. He had had the tiniest of tastes with Sookie. But full fae blood was unlike anything he had ever experienced. He sat and sulked, while drinking his blood. He had watched Sookie and Eric walk off together and he knew that they were going to spend the night together. Without him, none of this would have happened. He and Sookie would have been coming home from their vacation, back to their normal lives in Bon Temps. But, he had to go and fuck it all up and turn her vamp. Now, she was with Eric and he was locked in a room, sipped on blood through a straw.

Sookie was unsure how she felt about Bill becoming a fae. She laid with Eric and he could sense her worry.
"I loved him, but he is prone to lying and manipulation and with his fae abilities, his manipulation will only improve." She told him and he looked at her.
"Were you worried when you turned me?" He asked and she sighed.
"I suppose. But it was what was needed to stop Warlow. But now I guess we have a bigger problem on our hands." Eric shrugged his shoulders, getting back to their conversation.
"Why didn't you turn Bill, to be with him against Warlow?" He asked and she wondered for a moment.
"I can never forgive him for what he did. He knew that the one thing I loved more than anything was my humanity. He took that from me and he will never be able to give it back. But, with you, you were there for me the minute you knew that something was wrong, and I could give you one thing I knew you really, truly wanted." She told him and he smiled a little.
"You?" She hit him lightly on the arm and huffed.
"The sun." She told him and he nodded, remembering that he got his days back.

Sookie rolled over and Eric wondered how they were ever going to make it work. But then, she grabbed his arm and wrapped it around her, holding his hand against her skin and he knew that it was the small things that were going to get them through, the glances, the hands entwined, her little thoughts she sent him from time to time. They were up against a seemingly never ending battle. But they would have to just trust in what they were and get through it together.

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