War is Coming

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Jessica came up from her cubby, ready for her date with Hoyt. Sookie smiled seeing her in her pretty green dress, her hair styled in curls and her cheeks flushed. Pam also emerged, saying that she was going to head to Fangtasia for the evening, which Eric approved of. Once they were both gone, Sookie and Eric sat on the sofa and huffed.
"I have never been so tired in my life." She chuckled.
"We have just sired two vamp faes in a matter of days. We should be tired." He told her and she nodded, knowing what they had done had taken a lot of energy, especially Sookie, who had already sired Eric.
"I don't know what we do now." She told him honestly. He smiled, wondering what Sookie did when she was not caught up in some drama or other.
"Well, for starters, I'm taking you on a date." He told her and was shocked when she burst out laughing.
"Eric Northman doesn't do dates." She chuckled and he sat back a little.
"Well then, we won't." He stated, all of the smiles and joy in his face gone.

Sookie knew she had hurt Eric. He had wanted to do something nice for her and she had mocked him.
"Come on, Eric. I was joking." She said as he sat there, pouting.
"I think I will go and join Pam at Fangtasia tonight." He told her, standing.
"Fine then. Go." Sookie told him, not wanting to be emotional. She knew this might happen, that he was going to revert back into the sleazy Eric Northman once he had gotten what he wanted out of her. So, she watched as he slammed the door on his way out.

Eric ran to Fangtasia. He hadn't brought his porsche to Sookie's and he was not going to take her shitty car. He wanted her to ask him to stay, not tell him to go. He wanted her to want him as much as he wanted her. He hated feeling this weak, this powerless. He had never felt so vulnerable before. He had never felt what he felt for Sookie. It was a mix of desire, love, anger, protection all in one ball of emotion. He was angry at her because she seemed to want the Eric that he didn't think she would want him to be. When he went soft on her, she laughed at him. He was humiliated.

He sat on his throne at Fangtasia and watched as all the vampires stared at him and Pam. They were fae now, irresistible to vampires. Eric rolled his eyes as vampire after vampire approached him, male and female, offering him anything for his attention. He declined their offers of money and sex and fame, he was disgusted by them.

He zoned out as the heavy base played, wondering if there was a way that he could be the Eric that Sookie subconsciously wanted, and the gentleman that he knew she deserved. He sat there and pondered what he could do to bring those two versions of Eric together and smiled when he came up with a plan.

Sookie did anything to keep her mind off of Eric. She tidied the whole house, mopping the floors, dusting the ornaments. She baked a pie and cooked herself homemade fried chicken, with her Grandmother's recipe. She sat and ate her food and thought of what an idiot she had been. She had wanted Eric to be a gentleman for so long. Sure, he annoyed her before, but she would have killed for him to want to take her on a date rather than just get in her pants. But, here she was, laughing at his kind gestures, like a bitch.

Her head shot up when she heard the door slam. She watched as Eric strode in and threw a dress on her lap.
"Change, you are being my companion tonight." He told her and she looked up at him with wide, disbelieving eyes. When she didn't move, Eric crouched down and took her chin between his fingers.
"You might be my maker, but you are following my orders tonight. Now go." He told her and she couldn't help but comply.

Sookie stood in the shower and couldn't help feeling aroused by Eric's sudden dominance over her. It was his dominance that drew her to him in the first place. She quickly washed and shaved her legs - seemed faeries got leg hair too.

Her eyes almost fell out of her head when she saw the dress. She looked in the mirror and gawked at herself. It was a red dress, with a high neckline and a large cutout on the chest. She shook her head.
"Eric, I can't wear this!" She called to him and he was there behind her instantly.
"You will wear it because I want you to wear it." He told her, running his hands through her hair, pulling it up onto her head.
"Wear your hair up." He ordered her, before disappearing from behind her.

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