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    My name is Davina. I was born twenty years ago into the family of Mr and Mrs Anthony Grace. I'm the last child of my parents and I have three elder sisters.
      The story of my life is a lesson to all  mother's out there who think that their career is more important than family.

     My mum told me to stop sleeping In her room since I was two Years old, and I wasn't allowed to sleep with my sisters either. Why?, because my mom hated me for something that wasn't my fault, something that I had no control over. I always slept in my dad's room. Even though he was my step father, he always treated me well. My real father died after I was born so mum blamed me for his death, but my step dad was awesome.

     I grew up to know what love was because my step father showed me unreserved love. I was always his favourite, sometimes, I wouldn't be able to sleep except I slept on his chest, his chest became my comfort and bed. My dad couldn't stand anyone beating me, not even my mum.
    The major arguments I witnessed between mum and dad were because mum hit me and dad wasn't happy about it. Sometimes, they wouldn't talk to each other for days because of me.

       Mum didn't like me at all because she said I was always causing fight between her and her husband. My dad, Mr Anthony Grace was a successful engineer, a tall, handsome man with a charming voice. He was such a nice and caring man, also kind hearted. He gave me everything I wanted, even the things I never knew I wanted. Whenever it was my birthday, dad would treat me like I was princess. There were many things he bought for me without my mother's knowledge. He always kept a secret stash of chocolate under his bed and every night he would give me one or two before bed.

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