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"What?! You need more?"

"Yeah babe. But don't worry, I'll make sure to pay it all back once this deal is completed."

"Do you even have any idea where I get the money from?"

"From your sister, you told me."

"I am blackmailing my sister, do you think I'm pleased with it? We might fight but she's still my sister, I can not keep doing this to her Neil. You have to find some other way to get the money you need."

"I know, I'm not pleased asking you to do something like this either. I promise you this is the last time. Let's just do this just this last time, and I promise that's it.

Look, once this deal comes through, we won't have to borrow money from anyone again. Of you want, we can even refund your sister's money."

"Are you sure?"

"A hundred percent."

"Okay, fine. How much do you need this time?"


"Three hundred?"

"Three thousand."

"What?! No, that is way too much. You know she isn't working. Where the hell is she supposed to get that amount?"

"Babe, listen—"

"No, this is too much Neil. It's just too much."

"Fine then! I'm working so hard because I'm trying to make a better future for us. I'm busting up my ass out there, just so things can work out right, and now all I ask of you is just that you get me just that little amount and you're complaining."


"No it's fine. It's quite clear to me now that you don't love me."

"No, I do. I really love you."

"You don't, if you did then you wouldn't react this way. It's cool, I'll just find some other means, even if I have to steal."

"No, no. That won't be necessary, why would you steal when I can just get it from Davina? Don't worry, I'll go there tomorrow and I'll make sure I return with–"

"No. Today. It has to be today."

"Fine, today. In fact, I'll go there right now."

"Not right now. My blood is boiling, I need you to cool me down."


"Go inside, I'll be with you in a minute. And I don't want to see any clothes on you when I join you."


"What do you want Bella?"

"Now now Davina, is that any way to speak to your older sister?"

"All my sisters are dead." As she said those words, Davina felt her heart tinge with sadness but knew she couldn't hurt Bella with her words.

"Well then, since there's no relation between us, this will be easy. I need three thousand dollars right now, but don't worry... this is the last time. After today, you won't see me here again."

"No." Davina had had enough. She wouldn't let Bella blackmail her any longer.


"You heard me. I have no money to give to you."

"You're joking."

"Does it look like I am? I am done. Bella, within the space of five days, you have collected nothing less than ten thousand from me. Do you think I pick the money from the ground? Do you have any idea how hard it is for me to raise the money?"

"No. And honestly, I don't give a fuck. Need I remind you what is on the line if you refuse me?"

"I made a mistake, and you know it. I have never cheated on Adrian and I never would have if you had just been there for me.

Mom just died and I was alone. The twins weren't with me, Adrian was away and even you didn't have time for me. I was heartbroken, I needed someone to talk to...or someone to just hold me...but all my family were away.

Yes, I made a mistake. I should have just stayed home that night, then none of this would have happened but I just...I didn't want to be alone in this huge house. It felt like I was alone in the world."

"Wow, look at you bragging about your big house even when you're sad."

"Can you be serious please? Bella, don't do this. I'm your sister, the only family you have left in this world. We're supposed to be together as one. Please, stop doing this."

"I thought all your sisters died."


"Look, I don't give a shit about the good-for-nothing tale you just sprouted. Just go in, get me my cash, and I'll be out of your hair."


"Did you forget that I have Adrian's phone number? I could call him right now and with just one word, I can ruin your little marriage."

"Bella please,"

"I thought I told you not to step foot in my house ever again."

Davina felt her heartbeat stop as she heard Adrian's voice from behind her.

"Oh, it's good that you're here. Davina owes me some money and she said you'd pay it on her behalf. So, come on."

"Get out of my house." Davina had never seen Adrian so angry. "Leave now or I call the cops."

"Before I leave, there's something you should know."

"I don't care, just leave while I'm still being nice."

"Did you know what your precious little wife did when you were out of town?"

"Do you have cotton in your ears? I just said I don't care."

"She slept with another man. And I'm sure she enjoyed it too."

"Bella, please just leave." Davina was already crying. She didn't know what would happen, and he was probably even more angry that she had hidden it from him.

"This little slut you call a wife has a body count of probably wait, maybe thirty, or more."

"Bella stop!" Davina fell to her knees clutching her chest. Whenever she was hurt or angry, she always felt a piercing pain in her chest but it had never been this worse.

"Davina, are you okay?" The anger in Adrian's eyes immediately dissipated as he rushed to where she knelt.

"I'm sorry Adrian, I'm...sorry." She fell limp in his arms and he held on to her.

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